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Kidung Jemaat
2 Corinthians 13:1-14
Allah Hadir bagi Kita [KJ.18]
Anug'rah Tuhan kita, Yesus Kristus [KJ.348]
Haleluya, Hormat Sepenuhnya [KJ.347]
Nyanyian Malaikat Nyaring Bergema [KJ.223] ( Golden Harps Are Sounding )
2 Corinthians 13:1-14
[2Co 13:4] He Did Not Die In Vain
[2Co 13:4] He Lives (schroll)
[2Co 13:4] He Lives Again
[2Co 13:4] I’m Going There
[2Co 13:4] Jesus Lives
[2Co 13:4] Just A Closer Walk With Thee
[2Co 13:4] Now Let The Vault Of Heaven Resound
[2Co 13:11] Father Of Peace, And God Of Love
[2Co 13:14] May The Grace Of Christ Our Savior
[2Co 13:14] O Holy Spirit, Lord Of Grace