2 Kings 1:9-10
The Fall and Death of Ahaziah (2 Kings 1)
Ahaziah falls out of an upper chamber of his palace
Elijah destroys the messengers of Ahaziah by fire
Elijah calls down fire from Heaven
Ahaziah typifying Pride

2 Kings 2:15
The Chariot of Fire (2 Kings 2:1-18)
Elijah taken up in a chariot of fire
Psalm 139
Elijah taken into Heaven
Elijah carried off to Heaven

(55 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
2 Kings 2
2 Kings 6:12
The Arameans Struck by Blindness (2 Kings 6:8-23)
King of Syria pursues the prophet Elisha, The
Siege of Samaria
Siege of Samaria
Elisha at Dothan