2 Kings 10:18-28
The Ministers of Baal Killed (2 Kings 10:18-29)
Jehu has the worshippers of Baal killed. The death of the relatives of Ahaziah.
Demolition of the sacred stone of Baal
Dead bodies thrown outside the temple, The *
Ministers of Baal killed
(4 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 Kings 10
2 Kings 11:18
Joash Is Made King (2 Kings 11:4-21; 2 Chronicles 23)
Proclaiming Joash king
Athaliah, Queen of Judah, dragged from the temple
Athaliah, Queen of Judah, dragged from the temple
Joash is proclaimed king and Athalia is slain

2 Kings 11:1
Joash Is Saved from Athaliah (2 Kings 11:1-3; 2 Chronicles 22:10-12)
Athaliah ordering the massacre of the king's children
Destruction of Athaliah
Getting to know that her son is dead, Athaliah has all the members of the royal family killed
2 Kings 16:1
The Unfaithfulness and Punishment of Ahaz (2 Kings 16:1-9; 2 Chronicles 28; Isaiah 7:1-9)
Oded in the host of Samaria
Now hear me therefore, and deliver the captives again
Isaiah and Ahaz at Shiloah
Oded confronts Israel