2 Kings 12:11-12
Joash Repairs the Temple (2 Kings 12:4-16; 2 Chronicles 24:4-16)
Princes and all the people … cast into the chest, The
Joash raises money to repair the temple
King and his people caring for God's house, A
Brought their tax money

2 Kings 22:5-6
Josiah's Cultic Reforms (2 Kings 22:3-7;23:1-25; 2 Chronicles 34:3-13;34:29--35:19)
King Josiah celebrates the Passover
Reformation made by King Josiah, The
They broke down the altars of Baalim in his presence
Josiah orders the book of the Law read aloud to the elders

(20 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Book of the Law Found
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 Kings 22 ;
2 Kings 23 ;
2 Chronicles 34 ;
2 Chronicles 35
2 Kings 22:2
There is no Arts related to this verses.2 Kings 24:12-13
King Jehoiachin (2 Kings 24:8-16; 2 Chronicles 36:9)
The first deportation of Judah to Babylon (in the year 597) took place when Jehoiachin was king. If it is difficult to decide whether an artwork depicts the first or the second deportation, it will be connected to "The Fall of Jerusalem".
Ieremiae prophetia contra regem Ioachin
Nabuchodonsor rex Babylons
Samaria resettled
Judah led into captivity