2 Kings 9:11
everything <07965> [Is all well.]
asked .......... madman ..... replied <07696 0559> [this mad fellow.]
It is probable there was something peculiar in the young prophet's manner and address, similar to the vehement actions sometimes used by the prophets when under the Divine influence, which caused the bystanders to use this contemptuous language.
2 Kings 10:13
[met with. Heb. found. the brethren.]
<07965> [salute. Heb. the peace of, etc.]
2 Kings 10:24
men ... He ......... men <0376 0582> [If any of the men.]
2 Kings 10:31
carefully <08104> [took no heed. Heb. observed not.]
<03212> [walk.]
repudiate <05493> [he departed.]
2 Kings 10:19
prophets <05030> [all the prophets.]
servants ........................................ servants <05647> [all his servants.]
priests <03548> [all his priests.]
Jehu <03058> [But Jehu.]