2 Samuel 11:20-21
Abimelech <040> [Abimelech.]
Jerub-Besheth <03380> [Jerubbesheth.]
[Jerubbaal. Thy servant.]
2 Samuel 12:30
took <03947> [took.]
weighed <04948> [the weight.]
If this talent was only seven pounds, as Whiston says, David might have carried it on his head with little difficulty; but this weight, according to common computation, would amount to nearly 114 pounds! Some, therefore, think, that {mishkelah} should be taken for its value, not weight; which renders it perfectly plain, as the worth of the crown will be about 5,074œ. 15s. 7d. sterling. The ancients mention several such large crowns, made more for sight than use. Athen‘us describes a crown of gold that was 24 feet in circumference; and mentions others that were two, some four, and others five feet deep. Pliny takes notice of some that were no less than eight pounds weight. Besides the crown usually worn, it was customary for kings, in some nations, to have such large ones as described, either hung or supported over the throne, where they sat at their coronation or other solemn occasions.
great deal <03966 07235> [in great abundance. Heb. very great.]
2 Samuel 19:9
arguing <01777> [strife.]
king <04428> [The king.]
fled <01272> [he is fled.]
2 Samuel 20:22
wise advice <02451> [in her wisdom.]
blew <08628> [he blew.]
dispersed <06327> [retired. Heb. were scattered. And Joab.]
2 Samuel 24:21
lord <0113> [Wherefore.]
buy <07069> [To buy.]
plague <04046> [the plague.]