2 Samuel 16:4
Context16:4 The king said to Ziba, “Everything that was Mephibosheth’s now belongs to you.” Ziba replied, “I bow before you. May I find favor in your sight, my lord the king.”
2 Samuel 19:29
Context19:29 Then the king replied to him, “Why should you continue speaking like this? You and Ziba will inherit the field together.”
2 Samuel 19:1
Context19:1 (19:2) Joab was told, “The king is weeping and mourning over Absalom.”
2 Samuel 9:1
Context9:1 1 Then David asked, “Is anyone still left from the family 2 of Saul, so that I may extend kindness to him for the sake of Jonathan?”
Isaiah 32:8
Context32:8 An honorable man makes honorable plans;
his honorable character gives him security. 3

[9:1] 1 sn 2 Samuel 9–20 is known as the Succession Narrative. It is a literary unit that describes David’s efforts at consolidating his own kingdom following the demise of King Saul; it also provides the transition to subsequent leadership on the part of David’s successor Solomon.