Kidung Jemaat
2 Timothy 1:14
'Ku Heran, Allah Mau Memb'ri [KJ.387] ( I Know Not Why / I Know Whom I Have Believed )
1. 'Ku heran, Allah mau memb'ri rahmatNya padaku
dan Kristus sudi menebus yang hina bagaiku!
2. Namun 'ku tahu yang kupercaya dan aku yakin
'kan kuasaNya, Ia menjaga yang kutaruhkan hingga hariNya kelak!
3. 'Ku heran, oleh rahmatNya. Hatiku beriman
dan oleh kuasa SabdaNya jiwaku pun tent'ram.
4. Namun 'ku tahu yang kupercaya dan aku yakin
'kan kuasaNya, Ia menjaga yang kutaruhkan hingga hariNya kelak!5. 'Ku heran, oleh Roh Kudus 'ku sadar dosaku
dan dalam Firman kukenal siapa Penebus.
6. Namun 'ku tahu yang kupercaya dan aku yakin
'kan kuasaNya, Ia menjaga yang kutaruhkan hingga hariNya kelak!
7. Seluruh jalan hidupku tetap rahasia
seb'lum 'ku jumpa ajalku dan nampak wajahNya.
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
8. Namun 'ku tahu yang kupercaya dan aku yakin
'kan kuasaNya, Ia menjaga yang kutaruhkan hingga hariNya kelak!
9. Ku tidak tahu harinya k'lak kembali Tuhanku,
'ku sudah mati ataukah 'ku langsung bertemu.
1 Tes 4:16-17
10. Namun 'ku tahu yang kupercaya dan aku yakin
'kan kuasaNya, Ia menjaga yang kutaruhkan hingga hariNya kelak!Play Haleluya, Terpujilah [KJ.243]
1. Haleluya! Terpujilah Pencipta alam semesta,
Sang Bapa Mahakuasa! Mestilah kebesaranNya
Dan hikmat kasih sayangNya dipuji alam raya!
Why 4:11
Mzm 69:35
2. Haleluya! Terpujilah Sang Putra yang ke dunia
membawa damai Allah! Mestilah kar'na kurbanNya,
Sang Penebus manusia dipuji alam raya!
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
Why 5:11-12
3. Haleluya! Terpujilah Sang Roh yang kediamanNya
di hati yang percaya! Mestilah Pengarunia,
Penuntun ke terang baka, dipuji alam raya!
Rm 8:11
2 Tim 1:14
4. Haleluya! Terpujilah Yang oleh malak disembah
di sorga selamanya! Mestilah kini dan terus
Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus dipuji alam raya!Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play Roh Kudus, Sinarilah [KJ.236] ( Holy Ghost, with Light Divine )
1. Roh Kudus, sinarilah hati gundah dan lelah.
Ganti kuasa yang gelap dengan t'rangMu yang tetap.
Ef 1:17-18
2. Roh Kudus, sucikanlah hati risau dan lemah.
Yang t'lah lama dicekam oleh Iblis yang kejam.
3. Roh Penghibur, angkatlah hati susah, berkesah.
Hibur hati yang sedih, balut luka yang perih.
4. Roh Kudus, diamilah hati yang t'lah berserah.
kaulah saja, Tuhanku, Raja dalam hatiku.Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
Play Roh Kudus, Turunlah [KJ.233]
1. Roh Kudus, turunlah dan tinggal dalam hatiku,
dengan cahaya kasihMu terangi jalanku!
ApiMulah pembakar jiwaku,
sehingga hidupku memuliakan Tuhanku.
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
2. Bagaikan surya pagi menyegarkan dunia,
kuasaMu membangkitkan jiwa layu dan lemah.
Curahkanlah berkat karunia;
Jadikan hidupku padaMu saja berserah!
Rm 15:13
Ef 3:16-19
3. Syukur padaMu, Roh Kudus, yang sudah memberi
bahasa dunia baru yang sempurna dan suci.
Jadikanlah semakin berseri
Iman dan pengharapan serta kasih yang bersih.Kis 2:11
1 Kor 13:13
Play Ya Roh Kudus Berkurnia [KJ.238]
1. Ya Roh Kudus berkurnia, bagai merpati turunlah,
hidupkan kami, umatMu, dengan percaya yang teguh.
Kej 1:2
Mrk 1:10
Yoh 6:63
2. Tanpa Engkau percumalah usaha kami yang lemah;
tiada arti yang penuh tanpa Engkau, ya Roh Kudus.3. Pada mulanya Kauberi cahaya hidup yang jernih
dan rupa alam terbentuk, diatur kehadiranMu!
Kej 1:3
Mzm 104:30
4. Ya Roh Kudus, diamilah, umatMu dalam dunia,
yang kepadaMu berseru: baruilah ciptaanMu!
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
Yeh 47:1-2
2 Kor 5:17
5. Roh Allah Mahamulia, Roh Kristus Yesus, datanglah,
berkati umatMu penuh dengan limpahan kasihMu!Play
John 17:6
Berserah kepada Yesus [KJ.364] ( All to Jesus I Surrender / I Surrender All )
1. Berserah kepada Yesus tubuh, roh dan jiwaku;
kukasihi, kupercaya, kuikuti Dia t'rus.
Rm 6:13, 19
Rm 12:1
2. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
3. Berserah kepada Yesus di kakiNya 'ku sujud.
Nikmat dunia kutinggalkan; Tuhan, t'rima anakMu!
Tit 2:12-14
4. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
5. Berserah kepada Yesus aku jadi milikMu.
B'rilah RohMu meyakinkan bahwa Kau pun milikku!
Yoh 17:6
Rm 8:14-16
6. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
7. Berserah kepada Yesus kuberikan diriku.
B'ri kasihMu dan kuasaMu, ya, berkati anakMu!
8. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
9. Berserah kepada Yesus kurasakan apiNya.
Kar'na s'lamat yang sempurna puji, puji namaNya!
10. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!Play
Revelation 3:8
Majulah, Majulah [KJ.253]
1. Majulah, majulah, maju dalam t'rang permai dan nyalakanlah
pelita menantikan Mempelai; sumber Hidup hanya Dia.
Umat Tuhan, masuk pintuNya, majulah, majulah!
Yes 60:1
Mat 25:1-13
Mzm 118:20
Mat 7:13-14
Yoh 10:7-9
Why 3:8
2. Tabahlah, tabahlah, tabah tanpa mengeluh; tanggunglah cerca dan duka,
taat sampai ajalmu. Lihat tajuk kehidupan;
biar Iblis datang menerpa, tabahlah, tabahlah!
2 Kor 1:6
Ef 6:10-13
Ibr 12:1-3
1 Ptr 2:21-23
1 Ptr 5:4, 8
Why 2:10
3. Tolaklah, tolaklah tolak rayu dunia yang mencoba memegahkan
dikau oleh hartanya; jangan pandang kesenangan:
janji Iblis dan godaannya tolaklah, tolaklah!
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 1:2-4
Ef 4:27
Yak 4:7
4. Ujilah, ujilah, ujilah setiap roh yang memikat kiri kanan
untuk menyesatkanmu. Ikut Bintang Pengharapan,
tapi yang tersamar nampaknya ujilah, ujilah!
1 Yoh 4:1
5. Tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah, tumbu dalam Tuhanmu: Roh dan Hidup kauseraplah;
jangan maut kautempuh. Subur oleh kuasa Allah
bagai carang hijau s'lamanya tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah!Yoh 15:1-8
Ef 4:15
Kol 1:10-11
Kol 2:19
2 Ptr 3:18
Luke 11:28
[Luk 11:28] How Blest Are They Who Hear God’s Word
How blest are they who hear God’s Word
And keep and heed what they have heard!
They wisdom daily gather;
Their light shines brighter day by day,
And while they tread life’s weary way,
They have the oil of gladness
To soothe their pain and sadness.God’s Word a treasure is to me,
Through sorrow’s night my sun shall be,
The shield of faith in battle.
The Father’s hand hath written there
My title as His child and heir,
“The kingdom’s thine forever.”
That promise faileth never.Today I was my Savior’s guest,
My soul was here so richly blest,
The Bread of Life receiving.
Oh, may thereby my faith prevail,
So that its fruits shall never fail
Till my account is given
Before the throne in Heaven!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 11:28] O Blessed Bible
O blessèd, blessèd Bible,
Our treasured book divine,
With hope, and joy, and comfort,
Thy pages brightly shine.Refrain
More precious still than rubies,
More pure than purest gold,
Our blessèd, blessèd Bible,
Thy worth can ne’er be told.Thou tellest us of Jesus,
The Son of God above,
Who came the world to ransom,
So great His wondrous love.Refrain
O blessèd, blessèd Bible,
That God Himself hath giv’n,
To fit us for His kingdom,
Of endless life in Heav’n.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 6:20
[Joh 6:20] I Could Not Do Without Thee
I could not do without Thee
O Savior of the lost,
Whose precious blood redeemed me
At such tremendous cost.
Thy righteousness, thy pardon
Thy precious blood, must be
My only hope and comfort,
My glory and my plea.I could not do without Thee,
I cannot stand alone,
I have no strength or goodness,
No wisdom of my own;
But Thou, beloved Savior,
Art all in all to me,
And weakness will be power
If leaning hard on Thee.I could not do without Thee,
For, oh, the way is long,
And I am often weary,
And sigh replaces song:
How could I do without Thee?
I do not know the way;
Thou knowest, and Thou leadest,
And wilt not let me stray.I could not do without Thee,
O Jesus, Savior dear;
E’en when my eyes are holden,
I know that Thou art near.
How dreary and how lonely
This changeful life would be,
Without the sweet communion,
The secret rest with Thee!I could not do without Thee;
No other friend can read
The spirit’s strange deep longings,
Interpreting its need;
No human heart could enter
Each dim recess of mine,
And soothe, and hush, and calm it,
O blessèd Lord, but Thine.I could not do without Thee,
For years are fleeting fast,
And soon in solemn oneness
The river must be passed;
But Thou wilt never leave me,
And though the waves roll high,
I know Thou wilt be near me,
And whisper, “It is I.”Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 3:8
[Rev 3:8] Today Thy Mercy Calls Me
Today Thy mercy calls me to wash away my sin;
However great my trespass, whate’er I may have been;
However long from mercy I may have turned away,
Thy blood, O Christ, can cleanse me, and make me white today.Today Thy gate is open, and all who enter in
Shall find a Father’s welcome, and pardon for their sin;
The past shall be forgotten, a present joy be given;
A future grace be promised, a glorious crown in Heav’n.Today the Father calls me, the Holy Spirit waits,
The blessèd angels gather around the heav’nly gates;
No question will be asked me, how often I have come;
Although I oft have wandered, it is my Father’s home.O all embracing mercy, thou ever open door,
What shall I do without thee when heart and eyes run o’er?
When all things seem against me, to drive me to despair,
I know one gate is open, one ear will hear my prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 3:10
[Rev 3:10] Hour By Hour
Hour by hour we trust in Jesus,
Hour by hour for strength we pray;
Hour by hour the sands are dropping
From the glass of time away.Refrain
We are going home where the pure and blest
In perfect peace with Jesus free from care shall rest;
Then let us go on with a happy, happy song,
Then let us go on with a happy, happy song;
O soon we’ll rest on yonder shore,
Rest forevermore.Hour by hour we hear a warning
From the spirit-voice within;
Hour by hour we meet the tempter,
Hour by hour we fall or win.Refrain
Hour by hour we journey onward,
Hour by hour we stem the tide;
Hour by hour we miss the dear ones,
Anchored on the other side.Refrain
Hour by hour the heart grows fainter,
Hour by hour the sunlight dies;
Hour by hour we near the portals
Of our home beyond the skies.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 3:10] In The Hour Of Trial
In the hour of trial, Jesus, plead for me,
Lest by base denial I depart from Thee.
When Thou seest me waver, with a look recall,
Nor for fear or favor suffer me to fall.With forbidden pleasures would this vain world charm,
Or its sordid treasures spread to work me harm,
Bring to my remembrance sad Gethsemane,
Or, in darker semblance, cross-crowned Calvary.Should Thy mercy send me sorrow, toil and woe,
Or should pain attend me on my path below,
Grant that I may never fail Thy hand to see;
Grant that I may ever cast my care on Thee.When my last hour cometh, fraught with strife and pain,
When my dust returneth to the dust again,
On Thy truth relying, through that mortal strife,
Jesus, take me, dying, to eternal life.Play source: Cyberhymnal