Kidung Jemaat
Colossians 1:22
Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
1. Jurus'lamat, datanglah, Allah da Manusia,
biar dunia terkelu kar'na kelahiranMu.
2. Roh dan Firman yang kudus menghadirkan wujudMu:
Allah mahamulia dalam rupa yang rendah!
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
3. Anak dara bundaMu: Kau manusia penuh,
Kediaman Roh Kudus; dosa kami Kautebus.
Yes 61:1
Luk 4:18
4. Surya Pagi yang permai, Kau bagaikan mempelai
tampil dari kemahMu; jalan raya Kautempuh!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Mzm 19:5-7
5. Dari rumah BapaMu langkah-langkahMu teguh
masuk alam maut seram, pulang naik ke takhta t'rang.
Flp 2:8-9
6. Citra Allah yang kekal, dalam daging Kau menang,
agar kami yang lemah Kaukuatkan s'lamanya.
Kol 1:15, 22
7. PalunganMu berseri: waktu malam Kauberi
sinar kasih yang terang, pengharapan dan iman.
1 Kor 13:13
8. Dimuliakanlah terus Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus:
damai dan sejahtera memenuhi dunia!Play
Titus 2:11-14
Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Berserah kepada Yesus [KJ.364] ( All to Jesus I Surrender / I Surrender All )
1. Berserah kepada Yesus tubuh, roh dan jiwaku;
kukasihi, kupercaya, kuikuti Dia t'rus.
Rm 6:13, 19
Rm 12:1
2. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
3. Berserah kepada Yesus di kakiNya 'ku sujud.
Nikmat dunia kutinggalkan; Tuhan, t'rima anakMu!
Tit 2:12-14
4. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
5. Berserah kepada Yesus aku jadi milikMu.
B'rilah RohMu meyakinkan bahwa Kau pun milikku!
Yoh 17:6
Rm 8:14-16
6. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
7. Berserah kepada Yesus kuberikan diriku.
B'ri kasihMu dan kuasaMu, ya, berkati anakMu!
8. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!
9. Berserah kepada Yesus kurasakan apiNya.
Kar'na s'lamat yang sempurna puji, puji namaNya!
10. Aku berserah, aku berserah;
kepadaMu, Jurus'lamat, aku berserah!Play Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahanMahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
1. Maha kasih yang ilahi, nikmat sorga, turunlah
Mendiami hati kami; Kau mahkota kurnia.
Yesus, Kau berlimpah rahmat, Sumber kasih yang besar!
Datanglah membawa s'lamat bagi kami yang gentar.1 Kor 13:13
Play PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku [KJ.367]
1. PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku, kupersembahkan hidupku:
dariMu jiwa dan ragaku, hanya dalamMu 'ku teduh.
Hatiku yang Engkau pulihkan padaMu juga kuberikan.
Rm 12:1
2. Di dalam Yesus Kaunyatakan, ya Bapa, isi hatiMu:
curahan kasih, kesukaan Engkau limpahkan bagiku.
Andaikan orang menyadari, niscaya, Tuhan, Kau dicari.
Yoh 1:14, 18
Tit 2:11
Tit 3:4
3. Kumuliakan kuasa kasih, yang dalam Yesus terjelma;
'ku berserah sebulat hati di dalam arus rahmatNya.
Diriku tak kuingat lagi, lautan kasih kuselami.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:9-10
4. Betapa Kau mencari aku, hatiMu rindu padaku.
Kauraih aku kepadaMu membuat aku milikMu.
Diriku sudah Kaukasihi, Kau jualah yang aku pilih.
Rm 8:29
Ef 1:4
5. NamaMu, Yesus, suci agung, ya Sumber kasih kurnia;
padamu datanglah umatMu mencari hidup yang baka.
Yang bertelut bertadah-tangan, berlimpah-limpah Kaukenyangkan.
Yoh 6:68
6. Ya Yesus, namaMu kiranya dalam hatiku tertera, supaya
dalam hidupku nyatalah: Seluruh kata dan
kerjaku biar penuh dengan namaMu.Kol 3:17
Play Tuhan Allah Hadir [KJ.17]
1. Tuhan Allah hadir pada saat ini. Hai sembah sujud disini.
Diam dengan hormat, tubuh serta jiwa, tunduklah menghadap Dia.
Marilah, umatNya, hatimu serahkan dalam kerendahan.
1 Raj 8:10-11
2 Taw 7:2-3
Mzm 99:1, 5, 9
Yes 57:15
Yeh 44:4
Hab 2:20
2. Tuhan Allah hadir, Yang dimuliakan dalam sorga siang - malam
"Suci, suci, suci" untuk selamanya dinyanyikan malak sorga.
Ya Allah, t'rimalah pujian jemaat beserta malaikat.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:8
3. Kami menanggalkan hasrat sia - sia, keinginan manusia;
jiwa raga kami, hidup seluruhnya, Tuhan, kaulah yang empunya.
Dikaulah, Yang Esa, patut dimuliakan seberhana alam.
Tit 2:12-14
4. Raja yang mulia, biarlah hambaMu mengagungkan selalu,
hingga aku ini sungguh beribadat sama seperti malaikat,
dan benar mendengar firmanMu, ya Tuhan, agar kulakukan!
Ul 30:14
Mat 7:24
Yak 1:22
5. Kau bagai udara sumber kehidupan dan tempat gerak semua.
Laut tak terhingga, buatlah diriku layak menyelami Dikau:
Kau penuh dalamku, aku didalamMu: Kau kerinduanku!
Yoh 17:21
6. Suraya Mahasuci biarlah cahyaMu hangat menyentuh wajahku.
Bagai kuntum bunga, bila disinari, memekar ke matahari,
'ku telah berserah: biar Kau berkarya dalam segalanya.
Mal 4:2
7. Jadikanlah aku hamba bersahaja dalam damai dan sejaht'ra.
Sucikanlah aku, agar Kau kupandang dalam roh dan kebenaran.
Arahku padaMu: wajahMu kucari kin da abadi.Yoh 4:23
Play Ya Tuhan, Kami Puji NamaMu Besar [KJ.7]
1. Ya Tuhan, kami puji namaMu besar.
Ya Bapa, makhlukMu menyanyi bergemar.
Langit, buana, laut bersyukur semua
Malaikat segenap memuji Dikau jua.
KemuliaanMu tetap senantiasa.
Kudus, kudus, kuduslah Tuhan Mahakuasa!
Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Why 4:6-11
Why 15:3-4
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:6-8
2. Para rasul di sorga kemuliaanMu
serta nabi dan martir mengagungkanMu.
G'reja yang t'lah menang dan yang diperjuangan
Mengaku namaMu, madahnya berkumandang.
Terpuji rahmatMu di bawah dan di atas.
Ya Bapa yang kekal, kasihMu tak terbatas!
Ibr 12:1
Why 18:20
Ef 3:21
Why 7:9-12
3. Kristus di sisi kanan Allah, BapaMu,
di hari sangkakala akan menderu
memanggil kami pun menghadap arasy Tuhan,
o tolong, agar kami jangan di hukumkan,
kar'na telah Kau tanggung dosa semuanya;
olehMu kami damai dengan Allah Bapa.
Mrk 12:36
Kis 7:56
Rm 8:34
Ibr 10:12
Kis 10:42
2 Kor 5:10
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 1:7
Ibr 9:12
4. Ya Roh Kudus, berilah iman yang teguh,
sucikan kami di persekutuanMu,
supaya kami jangan mengandalkan diri
dan janganlah sesat ke kanan dan ke kiri.
Ya Bapa, Putra, Roh, kiranya Kauberikan
Kepenuhan harapan yang kami nantikan.Ef 1:4
2 Ptr 3:14
Mzm 33:22
Tit 2:13
Play Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28] ( Lord Jesus, Think on Me / Mnooeo Khriste )
1. Ya Yesus, tolonglah, hapuskan dosaku
dan dari nafsu dunia lepaskan hambaMu.
Tit 2:12
Tit 3:3-5
2. Ya Yesus, dengarlah seruan hatiku,
lengkapi aku yang lemah sebagai laskarMu.
Ef 6:11
3. Ya Yesus, yang menang, sertai hambaMu
b'ri di sengsara dan perang percaya yang teguh.
4. Ya Yesus, pimpinlah, tetaplah Kau dekat,
supaya ke neg'ri baka jalanku tak sesat.
Mzm 73:23
5. Ya Yesus, lihatlah serangan seteru,
lumpuhkanlah senjataNya dengan kuasaMu.
1 Ptr 5:8
6. Ya Yesus Penebus, berilah akhirnya
kesukaanMu yang kudus di negeri baka.Luk 23:42-43
Genesis 4:1-26
[Gen 4:8] When Adam Fell
When Adam fell, he quickly lost
God’s image, which he once possessed:
See all our nature since could boast
In Cain, his first-born son, expressed!The sacrifice the Lord ordained
In type of the Redeemer’s blood,
Self-righteous reasoning Cain disdained,
And thought his own first-fruits as good.Yet rage and envy filled his mind,
When, with a fallen, downcast look,
He saw his brother favor find,
Who God’s appointed method took.By Cain’s own hand, good Abel died,
Because the Lord approved his faith;
And, when his blood for vengeance cried,
He vainly thought to hide his death.Such was the wicked murderer Cain,
And such by nature still are we,
Until by grace we’re born again,
Malicious, blind and proud, as he.Like him the way of grace we slight,
And in our own devices trust;
Call evil good, and darkness light,
And hate and persecute the just.The saints, in every age and place,
Have found this history fulfilled;
The numbers all our thoughts surpass
Of Abels, whom the Cains have killed!Thus Jesus fell—but O! His blood
Far better things than Abel’s cries:
Obtains His murderers peace with God,
And gains them mansions in the skies.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Mark 13:34
[Mar 13:34] Oh, What Are You Going To Do?
Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?
You have thought of some useful labor,
But what is the end in view?
You are fresh from the home of your boyhood,
And just in the bloom of youth!
Have you tasted the sparkling water,
That flows from the fount of truth?
Is your heart in the Savior’s keeping?
Remember, He died for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Will you honor His cause and kingdom,
Wherever your path may be?
And stand as a bright example,
That others your light may see?
Are you willing to live for Jesus?
And ready the cross to bear?
Are you willing to meet reproaches?
The frowns of the world to share?
Your lot may perhaps be humble,
But God has a work for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
The morning of youth is past;
The vigor and strength of manhood,
My brother, are yours at last.
You are rising in worldly prospects,
And prospered in earthly things:
A duty to those less favored
The smile of your fortune brings.
Go prove that your heart is grateful—
The Lord has a work for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
Your sun at its noon is high!
It shines in meridian splendor,
And rides through a cloudless sky.
You are holding a high position
Of honor, of trust, and fame;
Are you willing to give the glory
And praise to your Savior’s Name?
The regions that sit in darkness
Are stretching their hands to you;
Then, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
The twilight approaches now;
Already your locks are silvered,
And winter is on your brow.
Your talents, your time, your riches,
To Jesus, your Master, give;
Then ask if the world around you
Is better because you live.
You are nearing the brink of Jordan,
But still there is work for you;
Then, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 12:26
[Joh 12:26] Christ Will Gather In His Own
Christ will gather in His own
To the place where He is gone,
Where their heart and treasure lie,
Where our life is hid on high.Day by day the voice saith, “Come,
Enter thine eternal home”;
Asking not if we can spare
This dear soul it summons there.Had He asked us, well we know
We should cry, “O spare this blow!”
Yes, with streaming tears should pray,
“Lord, we love him, let him stay.”
[substitute her if appropriate]But the Lord doth naught amiss,
And, since He hath ordered this,
We have naught to do but still
Rest in silence on His will.Many a heart no longer here,
Ah! was all too inly dear,
Yet, O Love, ’tis Thou dost call,
Thou wilt be our All in all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] He Who Would Valiant Be
He who would valiant be ’gainst all disaster,
Let him in constancy follow the Master.
There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.Who so beset him round with dismal stories
Do but themselves confound—his strength the more is.
No foes shall stay his might; though he with giants fight,
He will make good his right to be a pilgrim.Since, Lord, Thou dost defend us with Thy Spirit,
We know we at the end, shall life inherit.
Then fancies flee away! I’ll fear not what men say,
I’ll labor night and day to be a pilgrim.Who would true valour see,
Let him come hither;
One here will constant be,
Come wind, come weather
There’s no discouragement
Shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent
To be a pilgrim.Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.
No lion can him fright,
He’ll with a giant fight,
He will have a right
To be a pilgrim.Hobgoblin nor foul fiend
Can daunt his spirit,
He knows he at the end
Shall life inherit.
Then fancies fly away,
He’ll fear not what men say,
He’ll labor night and day
To be a pilgrim.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] How Shall I Follow Him I Serve?
How shall I follow Him I serve?
How shall I copy Him I love?
Not from the blessèd footsteps swerve,
Which lead me to His seat above?Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn,
The life of toil, the mean abode,
The faithless kiss, the crown of thorn,
Are these the consecrated road?’Twas thus He suffered, though a Son,
Foreknowing, choosing, feeling all,
Until the perfect work was done,
And drunk the bitter cup of gall.Lord, should my path through suffering lie
Forbid it I should e’er repine;
Still let me turn to Calvary,
Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine.O let me think how Thou didst leave
Untasted every pure delight,
To fast, to faint, to watch, to grieve,
The toilsome day, the homeless night.To faint, to grieve, to die for me!
Thou camest, not Thyself to please;
And, dear as earthly comforts be,
Shall I not love Thee more than these?Yes, I would count them all but loss,
To gain the notice of Thine eye:
Flesh shrinks and trembles at the cross,
But Thou canst give the victory.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] How Blessed, From The Bonds Of Sin
How blessèd, from the bonds of sin
And earthly fetters free,
In singleness of heart and aim,
Thy servant, Lord, to be;
The hardest toil to undertake
With joy at Thy command,
The meanest office to receive
With meekness at Thy hand.With willing heart and longing eyes
To watch before Thy gate,
Ready to run the weary race,
To bear the heavy weight;
No voice of thunder to expect,
But follow calm and still;
For love can easily divine
The One Belovèd’s will.Thus may I serve Thee, gracious Lord;
Thus ever Thine alone,
My soul and body given to Thee,
The purchase Thou hast won;
Through evil or through good report
Still keeping by Thy side;
And by my life or by my death
Let Christ be magnified.How happily the working days
In this dear service fly,
How rapidly the closing hour,
The time of rest, draws nigh,
When all the faithful gather home,
A joyful company;
And ever where the Master is
Shall His blest servants be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] It Pays To Serve Jesus
The service of Jesus true pleasure affords,
In Him there is joy without an alloy;
’Tis Heaven to trust Him and rest on His words;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day,
It pays every step of the way,
Though the pathway to glory may sometimes be drear,
You’ll be happy each step of the way.It pays to serve Jesus whate’er may betide,
It pays to be true whate’er you may do;
’Tis riches of mercy in Him to abide;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
Though sometimes the shadows may hang o’er the way,
And sorrows may come to beckon us home,
Our precious Redeemer each toil will repay;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] Leaving All To Follow Jesus
Leaving all to follow Jesus,
Turning from the world away,
Stepping out upon the promise,
All I have is His today.Refrain
Leaving all to follow Jesus,
Turning from the world away,
Stepping out upon His promise,
All I have is His today.Naught reserving, on the altar
All I lay, and wait the hour
When the fire from Heaven descending
Shall attest His glorious pow’r.Refrain
Taking up the cross of Jesus,
Glad for Him to suffer shame,
All my gain I count but losses
For the glory of His Name.Refrain
Praise His precious Name forever
That His blood hath made me free!
Now my soul shall joy to tell it,
Thro’ the long eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] There Will I Follow Thee
Whithersoever Thou goest
Let me Thy footsteps attend;
Jesus, my wonderful Savior,
Loving Redeemer and Friend.Refrain
There would I be, there would I be,
Thou Who hast labored and sorrowed for me;
Whithersoever Thou goest,
There will I follow Thee.Over the snow covered mountain,
Out on the wild desert track,
Seeking to rescue the lost ones,
Tenderly calling them back.Refrain
Telling of hope to the friendless,
Cheering the homes where they dwell;
Going with light and salvation
Into the dark prison cell.Refrain
Giving relief to the stranger,
Plodding his journey alone;
Sharing the trials of others,
Patiently bearing my own.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] Thine For Service
I have made my choice to follow Christ each day,
I am Thine for service, Lord;
Tho’ I sometimes falter on the thorny way,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Refrain
Thine for service when the days are drear,
Thine for service when the skies are clear;
Yes, Thine for service thro’ the coming years,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Let me idle not the precious hours away,
I am Thine for service, Lord;
As Thy voice shall bid me, I will go or stay,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Refrain
I will never ask Thee “How,” or “Where,” or “Why?”
For I’ve cast my lot with Thee
Till the glory gates shall open by and by,
With a “Welcome Home” for me.Refrain
I am Thine for service till the last glad hour
Shall have passed on earth from me;
And I wake to service of a greater pow’r,
Thro’ a glad eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Galatians 6:15-16
[Gal 6:15] I Love You, Christ, My Crucified
For the redeeming agony
You suffered there on Calvary,
For blood You shed and tears You cried,
I love You, Christ my crucified.O for Your bruised and bludgeoned frame
That bore my every sin and shame
Which You for me did take and die,
I love You, Christ my crucified.Yes, for the faithful love You showed,
Which with abundant grace once flowed
Out of Your opened hands and side,
I love You, Christ my crucified.That You, my King, would suffer scorn
Beneath a crown of twisted thorn,
Then in this rebel’s grave go lie,
I love You, Christ my crucified.And hearing how You left the grave
Alive and ever strong to save,
And then ascended as the sun,
I love You, Christ my risen one.O when I see you, risen King,
I’ll do none else but fall to sing
And with my all let this strain rise:
I love You, Christ my glorified.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Titus 2:11-14
[Tit 2:11] Come, Sing The Gospel’s Joyful Sound
Come, sing the Gospel’s joyful sound,
Salvation full and free;
Proclaim to all the world around,
The year of jubilee!Refrain
Salvation, salvation,
The grace of God doth bring;
Salvation, salvation,
Thro’ Christ our Lord and King.Ye mourning souls, aloud rejoice;
Ye blind, your Savior see!
Ye pris’ners, sing with thankful voice,
The Lord hath made you free!Refrain
With rapture swell the song again,
Of Jesus’ dying love;
’Tis peace on earth, good will to men,
And praise to God above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 2:11] Of Him Who Did Salvation Bring
Of Him Who did salvation bring,
I could forever think and sing:
Arise, ye needy, He’ll relieve;
Arise, ye guilty, He’ll forgive.Ask but His grace, and lo, ’tis given!
Ask, and He turns your hell to heaven;
Though sin and sorrow wound my soul,
Jesus, Thy balm will make it whole.To shame our sins He blushed in blood;
He closed His eyes to show us God:
Let all the world fall down and know
That none but God such love can show.Insatiate to this Spring I fly;
I drink, and yet am ever dry;
Ah! who against Thy charm is proof!
Ah! who that loves, can love enough?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 2:13] I Saw One Weary
I saw one weary, sad, and torn,
With eager steps press on the way,
Who long the hallowed cross had borne,
Still looking for the promised day;
While many a line of grief and care,
Upon his brow, was furrowed there;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
“O this!” said he—“the blessèd hope.”And one I saw, with sword and shield,
Who boldly braved the world’s cold frown,
And fought, unyielding, on the field,
To win an everlasting crown.
Though worn with toil, oppressed by foes,
No murmur from his heart arose;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
“O this!” said he—“the blessèd hope.”And there was one who left behind
The cherished friends of early years,
And honor, pleasure, wealth resigned,
To tread the path bedewed with tears.
Through trials deep and conflicts sore,
Yet still a smile of joy he wore;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
“O this!” said he—“the blessèd hope.”While pilgrims here we journey on
In this dark vale of sin and gloom,
Through tribulation, hate, and scorn,
Or through the portals of the tomb,
Till our returning King shall come
To take His exile captives home,
O! what can buoy the spirits up?
’Tis this alone—the blessèd hope.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 2:13] We Have This Hope
We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.
We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,
Faith in the promise of His Word.
We believe the time is here,
When the nations far and near
Shall awake, and shout and sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope that burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.We are united in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We are united in His love.
Love for the waiting people of the world,
People who need our Savior’s love.
Soon the heav’ns will open wide,
Christ will come to claim His bride,
All the universe will sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope, this faith, and God’s great love,
We are united in Christ.Play source: Cyberhymnal