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Acts 19:29

Aristarchus : a man who accompanied Paul on his third missionary journey

Gaius : a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John

Macedonia : a Roman province north of Greece which included 10 Roman colonies (IBD),citizens of the province of Macedonia
(40° 37´, 22° 55´)

Paul : a man from Tarsus who persecuted the church but became a missionary and writer of 13 Epistles

Acts 20:4

Aristarchus : a man who accompanied Paul on his third missionary journey

Asia : A Roman province on the west side of Asia Minor.
(39° 13´, 32° 43´)

Beroea : a town located in southern Macedonia
(40° 31´, 22° 12´)

Derbe : a town in region of Lycaonia in the province of Galatia in Asia minor
(37° 21´, 33° 16´)

Gaius : a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John

Pyrrhus : the father of Sopater of Berea

Secundus : a man from Thessalonica who accompanied Paul

Sopater : a man who went with Paul on his last trip to Jerusalem.

Thessalonian : inhabitant(s) of Thessalonica
(40° 37´, 22° 55´)

Thessalonica : a town of Macedonia on the Thermaic Gulf (Gulf of Salonika)
(40° 37´, 22° 55´)

Timothy : a young man of Lystra who travelled with Paul and to whom two epistles were addressed

Trophimus : a Gentile christian man from Ephesus who went with Paul to Jerusalem.

Tychicus : a man who was a fellow worker with Paul

Romans 16:23

Erastus : a man who was a friend of Paul

Gaius : a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John

Quartus : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Romans 16:1

Cenchreae : the eastern port town of Corinth
(37° 53´, 22° 59´)

Phoebe : a Christian woman whom Paul recommends to the church at Rome

Colossians 1:14

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