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Acts 11:22-30

11:22 hkousyho logoveiv tawta thvekklhsiav thvoushv ierousalhmperi autwnkai exapesteilanewv antioceiav

11:23 ovparagenomenov idwncarin thntou yeouecarh parekaleith proyeseithv kardiavprosmenein twkuriw

11:24 otihn agayovkai plhrhvpneumatov agioukai pistewvkai proseteyhikanov twkuriw

11:25 exhlyeneiv tarsonanazhthsai

11:26 kaieurwn antioceianegeneto autoivkai eniautonolon sunacyhnaith ekklhsiakai didaxaiikanon crhmatisaiprwtwv enantioceia touvmayhtav cristianouv

11:27 entautaiv detaiv hmeraivkathlyon ierosolumwnprofhtai eivantioceian

11:28 anastaveiv exautwn onomatiagabov eshmainentou pneumatovlimon megalhnmellein olhnthn oikoumenhnhtiv egenetoklaudiou

11:29 twnde mayhtwnkaywv euporeitowrisan autwneiv diakonianpemqai katoikousinth ioudaiaadelfoiv

11:30 okai epoihsantouv presbuterouvdia ceirovbarnaba kaisaulou

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