NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 19:11

19:11 dunameivte outav tucousavyeov epoieitwn ceirwnpaulou

Acts 4:7

4:7 kaisthsantev entw meswepunyanonto poiadunamei hen poiwonomati epoihsateumeiv

Acts 6:8

6:8 stefanovde plhrhvcaritov kaidunamewv epoieikai shmeiamegala entw law

Acts 4:33

4:33 kaidunamei megalhapedidoun marturionoi apostoloitou kuriouihsou thvanastasewv carivte megalhhn pantavautouv

Acts 8:10

8:10 wproseicon apomikrou ewvmegalou legontevestin dunamivtou yeouh kaloumenh

Acts 8:13

8:13 ode simwnkai autovepisteusen baptisyeivfilippw yewrwnshmeia kaidunameiv megalavginomenav <1096> (5740) existato <1839> (5710)

Acts 1:8

1:8 allalhmqesye epelyontovagiou pneumatovef umavkai esesyemarturev ente ierousalhmkai [en] pashth ioudaiakai samareiakai ewvescatou thvghv

Acts 2:22

2:22 andrevisrahlitai akousatelogouv toutouvihsoun tonnazwraion andraapodedeigmenon touyeou eivumav dunamesinkai terasinkai shmeioivoiv epoihsenautou oyeov enmesw umwnkaywv autoioidate <1492> (5758)

Acts 3:12

3:12 idwno petrovapekrinato tonlaon andrevisrahlitai tiyaumazete toutwh hminti atenizeteidia dunameih eusebeiapepoihkosin peripatein

Acts 10:38

10:38 ihsounton aponazarey wvecrisen oyeov pneumatiagiw kaidunamei ovdihlyen iwmenovtouv katadunasteuomenouvtou diabolouoti oyeov hnautou

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