NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 21:1-21

Agabus : a prophet in the Jerusalem church

Caesarea : a town on the Mediterranean 40 kilometers south of Mt. Carmel and 120 kilometers NW of Jerusalem.
(32° 29´, 34° 53´); (33° 14´, 35° 41´); (41° 0´, 24° 17´)

Cos : an island located off the SW coast of Asia Minor
(36° 48´, 27° 5´)

Cyprus : an island country located off the east coast of Cilicia in the Mediterranean,the island of Cyprus
(35° 1´, 33° 12´); (35° 1´, 33° 12´)

Gentile : a non-Jewish person
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

James : a son of Zebedee; brother of John; an apostle,a son of Alpheus; an apostle,a brother of Jesus; writer of the epistle of James,the father (or brother) of the apostle Judas

Jerusalem : the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Jews : the people descended from Israel
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Judea : a region that roughly corresponded to the earlier kingdom of Judah
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Mnason : a man with whom Paul stayed on his last visit to Jerusalem

Moses : a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Patara : a town on the southern coast of Lycia, a south eastern provice of Asia Minor
(36° 16´, 29° 19´)

Paul : a man from Tarsus who persecuted the church but became a missionary and writer of 13 Epistles

Philip : a man who was one of the twelve apostles,a son of Herod the Great; husband of Herodias; ruler of Iturea and Traconitis north and west of Galilee,a man who was one of the seven chosen to serve tables at the church at Jerusalem
(32° 29´, 34° 53´); (33° 14´, 35° 41´); (41° 0´, 24° 17´)

Phoenicia : the region ofeast Mediterranean coastal land from Arvad (modern Lebanon) south to Gaza,the coast land from Mt. Carmel north to the Orontes River
(31° 41´, 34° 50´); (33° 33´, 35° 21´)

Ptolemais : a town north of and across the bay from Mount Carmel
(32° 55´, 35° 4´)

Rhodes : an island off the southwest coast of Asia Minor in the Mediterranean Sea,an island on the south coast of Turkey, 170 km NE of Crete
(26° 37´, 37° 55´); (36° 26´, 28° 13´)

Syria : the country to the north of Palestine,a country of north western Mesopotamia
(34° 50´, 39° 7´); (33° 12´, 36° 30´); (35° 5´, 42° 0´); (30° 44´, 35° 36´); (32° 32´, 44° 25´); (33° 31´, 36° 18´)

Tyre : a resident of the town of Tyre
(33° 16´, 35° 11´)

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