Acts 25:18-19
Paul before King Agrippa (Acts 25:13--26:32)
St. Paul before Herod Agrippa II, Festus, and Queen Bernice
Festus presents Paul before King Agrippa
You almost persuade me
Paul before Agrippa

Acts 25:25
Paul before King Agrippa (Acts 25:13--26:32)
St. Paul before Herod Agrippa II, Festus, and Queen Bernice
Festus presents Paul before King Agrippa
You almost persuade me
Paul before Agrippa

Acts 18:14
In Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)
Gallio cared for none of those things
He earned his living by making tents *
Acts 18:1
In Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)
Gallio cared for none of those things
He earned his living by making tents *
Acts 24:11-12
The Trial before Felix (Acts 24; Ephesians 3:1;4:1; Philippians 1:13; Colossians 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:8; Philemon 1:9)
Unless images are accompanied by other clues, artworks of Paul in prison sort under this subject
St. Paul before Felix and Drusilla: "Felix trembled" *
St. Paul before the governor Felix
Paul before Felix
Paul before Felix

(16 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Ephesians 3 ;
Ephesians 4 ;
Philippians 1 ;
Colossians 4 ;
2 Timothy 1 ;
Philemon 1 ;
Acts 24
Psalms 7:3-5
Psalms 7: Deliver Me! (Psalms 7)
Psalm 7
David and a lion
Lord my God in you I have put my trust, save me …
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 7
John 18:29-30
Interrogation and Accusations (Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:2-5; John 18:29-38;19:9-11)
Christ before Pilate
Christ before Pilate
Christ before Pilate
Jesus brought before Pilate