Acts 7:10
Arrest and Speech (Acts 6:8--7:56)
St. Stephen preaching and St. Stephen addressing the council
High priest and his men keep their ears shut as St. Stephen delivers a speech, The
Disputation of St. Stephen
Sermon of St. Stephen, The

Acts 7:49
Arrest and Speech (Acts 6:8--7:56)
St. Stephen preaching and St. Stephen addressing the council
High priest and his men keep their ears shut as St. Stephen delivers a speech, The
Disputation of St. Stephen
Sermon of St. Stephen, The

Acts 11:12
There is no Arts related to this verses.Acts 16:15
Lydia (Acts 16:11-15)
Paul enters Europe
Paul crosses to Europe
Paul preaching to the women
Lydia hears the good news from Paul