Acts 8:5
Philip <5376> [Philip.]
city <4172> [the city.]
Rather, "to a city of Samaria," [eis <\\See definition 1519\\> polis Samaria] for the city of Samaria had been utterly destroyed by Hyrcanus, and the city built by Herod on its site was called [Sebaste,] that is, Augusta, in honour of Augustus. Samaria comprised the tract of country formerly occupied by the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, west of Jordan, lying between Judea and Galilee: beginning, says Josephus, at Ginea in the great plain, and ending at the toparchy of Acrabateni.
began proclaiming <2784> [preached.]
Acts 18:22
Caesarea <2542> [Caesarea.]
went up <305> [gone.]
church <1577> [the church.]
went down <2597> [he went.]
Acts 12:19
When ... had searched for him <846 1934> [sought for him.]
questioned <350> [he examined.]
commanded <2753> [commanded.]
went down <2718> [he went.]