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Colossians 1:1-15

1:1 paulovapostolov cristouihsou diayelhmatov yeoukai timoyeovo adelfov

1:2 toiven kolossaivagioiv kaipistoiv adelfoiven cristwcariv uminkai eirhnhapo yeoupatrov hmwn

1:3 eucaristoumenyew patritou kuriouhmwn ihsou[cristou] pantoteperi umwnproseucomenoi <4336> (5740)

1:4 akousantevpistin umwnen cristwihsou kaithn agaphn[hn ecete] pantavtouv agiouv

1:5 diathn elpidathn apokeimenhnen toivouranoiv hnprohkousate twlogw thvalhyeiav toueuaggeliou

1:6 touparontov umavkaywv kaien pantitw kosmwestin auxanomenonkai enumin afhv hmeravhkousate epegnwtecarin touyeou enalhyeia

1:7 kaywvemayete epafratou agaphtousundoulou hmwnov estinuper hmwndiakonov toucristou

1:8 okai dhlwsavthn umwnagaphn enpneumati

1:9 diatouto kaihmeiv afhv hmeravhkousamen pauomeyaumwn proseucomenoiaitoumenoi plhrwyhteepignwsin touyelhmatov autouen pashsofia kaisunesei pneumatikh

1:10 peripathsaitou kurioueiv pasanareskeian enpanti ergwagayw karpoforountevauxanomenoi epignwseitou yeou

1:11 enpash dunameidunamoumenoi tokratov thvdoxhv autoueiv pasanupomonhn kaimakroyumian metacarav

1:12 eucaristountevpatri twikanwsanti eivthn meridatou klhroutwn agiwnen twfwti

1:13 overrusato ekthv exousiavtou skotouvkai metesthsenthn basileiantou uiouthv agaphvautou

1:14 enw ecomenapolutrwsin thnafesin twnamartiwn

1:15 ovestin touyeou touaoratou prwtotokovpashv ktisewv

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