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Colossians 3:16

3:16 ologov toucristou enoikeitwumin plousiwven pashsofia didaskontevnouyetountev qalmoivumnoiv wdaivpneumatikaiv encariti adontevtaiv kardiaivumwn twyew

Acts 10:36

10:36 tonlogon apesteilenuioiv israhleuaggelizomenov diaihsou cristououtov estinkuriov

Acts 13:26

13:26 andrevadelfoi uioigenouv abraamkai oien uminfoboumenoi yeonhmin ologov thvswthriav tauthvexapestalh <1821> (5648)

Romans 10:8

10:8 allati legeisou torhma estintw stomatisou kaien thkardia soutout estinrhma thvpistewv okhrussomen <2784> (5719)

Romans 10:2

10:2 marturwautoiv otizhlon yeouecousin oukat epignwsin

Colossians 1:19

1:19 otien autweudokhsen toplhrwma katoikhsai <2730> (5658)

Colossians 1:7

1:7 kaywvemayete epafratou agaphtousundoulou hmwnov estinuper hmwndiakonov toucristou

Ephesians 1:13

1:13 enw kaiumeiv akousantevlogon thvalhyeiav toeuaggelion thvswthriav umwnen wkai pisteusantevpneumati thvepaggeliav twagiw

Ephesians 1:1

1:1 paulovapostolov cristouihsou diayelhmatov yeoutoiv agioivtoiv ousinefesw] kaipistoiv encristw ihsou

Ephesians 2:13

2:13 nunide encristw ihsouumeiv oipote ontevegenhyhte entw aimatitou cristou

Ephesians 2:1

2:1 kaiumav ontavtoiv paraptwmasinkai taivamartiaiv umwn

Ephesians 1:15

1:15 diatouto kagwakousav kayumav pistinen twkuriw ihsoukai thneiv pantavtouv agiouv

Ephesians 1:1

1:1 paulovapostolov cristouihsou diayelhmatov yeoutoiv agioivtoiv ousinefesw] kaipistoiv encristw ihsou

Ephesians 2:2

2:2 enaiv poteperiepathsate tonaiwna toukosmou toutoukata tonarconta thvexousiav touaerov toupneumatov tounun energountovtoiv uioivthv apeiyeiav

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