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Daniel 1:21


"He lived to see that glorious time of the return of his people from the Babylonia captivity, though he did not die then. So till is used Ps 110:1, 112:8."

Daniel 1:2


Lord <0136> [Cir A.M. 3398. B.C. 606. the Lord.]

some <07117> [with part.]

Babylonia <08152> [Shinar.]

brought ............... put <0935> [and he.]

Daniel 1:1


Daniel 1:1


Ezra 1:1-2


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]


Lord God <0430 03068> [Lord God.]

given <05414> [hath given.]

kingdoms <04467> [all the kingdoms.]

According to the testimony of ancient writers, Cyrus, at this time, reigned over the Medes, Persians, Hyrcanians, Syrians, Assyrians, Indians, etc., and all lesser Asia.

instructed <06485> [he hath charged.]

Isaiah 44:28--45:1


Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

<07462> [my shepherd.]

commissions ................. decree <0559> [saying.]


chosen one <04899> [to his.]

right hand <03225> [whose.]

hold <02388> [holden. or, strengthened.]

subdue <07286> [to subdue.]

open <06605> [to open.]

All the streets of Babylon, leading on each side to the river, were secured by two leaved brazen gates, and these were providentially left open when Cyrus's forces entered the city in the night, through the channel of the river, in the general disorder occasioned by the great feast which was then celebrated; otherwise, says Herodotus, the Persians would have been shut up in the bed of the river, as in a net, and all destroyed. The gates of the palace were also imprudently opened to ascertain the occasion of the tumult; when the two parties under Gobrias and Gadatas rushed in, got possession of the palace, and slew the king.

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