Daniel 11:20
The Vision at Tigris (Daniel 10--12)
The Kings of the South and the North (Daniel 11:2-45)
Chapters 10 and 12:4-13 focus on the Tigris setting
As I was by the side of the great river … I lifted up mine eyes, and looked
Man upon the waters, The
Vision on the Tigris
Vision upon the Tigris

King of the north shall come against him as a whirlwind, The
King's daughter of the south, The
Abomination that makes desolate, The - the profane image
Abomination that makes desolate, The - the profane sacrifice
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Daniel 11
Psalms 49:10-13
Psalms 49: Man Will Perish Despite of His Pomp (Psalms 49)
Psalm 49
Like sheep they are laid in the grave *
Hear these things all nations, gather in with ears all that inhabit the world
He cannot take it with him when he dies
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 49
Psalms 109:8
Psalms 109: They May Curse, but You Will Bless (Psalms 109)
Psalm 109
Help me Lord my God, save me according to your mercy
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 109
Luke 12:20
The Rich Farmer (Luke 12:16-21)
Parable of the rich man, The
Covetous man, The
Man who was building his wealth, The
Parable of the rich fool, The