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Daniel 2:2


Daniel 2:10-11


exists <0383> [and there.]

This was their decision: and when the living and true God, who indeed condescends to dwell with men, and who alone could reveal the dream and the secrets contained in it, actually made it known to Daniel, he evinced the infinite difference between Jehovah and his prophets, and the idols and magicians of Babylon.

live <04070> [whose.]

Daniel 5:7-8


loudly <02429> [aloud. Chal. with might.]

4:14 *marg:

summon <05954> [to bring.]

clothed <03848> [be clothed.]

purple <0711> [scarlet. or, purple. a chain.]

third <08523> [the third.]


unable <03546> [but.]

Because, probably, it was written in the ancient Hebrew or Samaritan character.

Job 5:12-13


frustrates <06565> [disappointeth.]

hands <03027> [their hands.]

[their enterprise. or, anything.]


catches <03920> [taketh.]

[of the froword.]

Isaiah 19:3


panic <07307> [the spirit.]

This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib's army; when, upon the death of Tirhakah, (B.C. 688,) not being able to settle about the succession, they continued for two years in a state of anarchy, confusion, and civil wars; which was followed by the tyranny of twelve princes, who, dividing the country among them, governed it for fifteen years; and at last, by the sole dominion of Psammiticus, which he held for fifty-four years.

panic <01238> [fail. Heb. be emptied. and I.]

confuse <01104> [destroy. Heb. swallow up.]

Ps 107:27 *marg:

seek guidance <01875> [and they.]

Isaiah 44:25


frustrates <06565> [frustrateth.]

humiliates ................ advice <07080 01847> [maketh.]

overturns <07725> [turneth.]

Isaiah 47:12-14



tired <03811> [wearied.]

omens <01895> [Let now.]

omens ..... who gaze <02374 01895> [astrologers, the stargazers. Heb. viewers of the heavens. the monthly prognosticators. Heb. that gave knowledge concerning the months.]


straw ......... rescue <07179 05337> [they shall.]

[themselves Heb. their souls.]

coals <01513> [there shall.]

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