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Daniel 4:23


seeing <02370> [saw.]

periods <02508> [and let his.]

Daniel 4:25


driven <02957> [drive.]

live <04070> [and thy dwelling.]

All the circumstances of Nebuchadnezzar's case, says Dr. Mead, agree so well with a hypochondriasis, that to me it appears evident the Almighty God brought this dreadful distemper upon him, and under its influence he ran wild into the fields: then fancying himself transformed into an ox, he fed on grass, after the manner of cattle; and, through neglect of himself, his hair and nails grew to an excessive length, so that the latter became thick and crooked, resembling bird's claws.

fed <02939> [to eat.]

before <05705> [till.]

Daniel 4:31


words <04406> [the word.]

came down <05308> [fell.]

kingdom <04437> [The kingdom.]

Daniel 7:25


speak <04449> [he shall speak.]

In assuming infallibility, professing to forgive sins, and to open and shut heaven, thundering out bulls and anathemas, excommunicating princes, absolving subjects from their allegiance, and exacting obedience to his decrees in open violation of reason and Scripture.

harass <01080> [shall wear out.]

By wars, crusades, massacres, etc.

intention <05452> [and think.]

Appointing feasts and fasts, canonizing saints, etc.

time times ..... time <05732> [a time.]

That is, three years and a half, or, reckoning thirty days to a month, 1,260 days, equal to the same number of years in prophetic language; which, dated from the decree of Phocas constituting him the supreme head of the church, A.D. 606, terminated in 1866.

Daniel 11:13


king <04428> [the king.]

end .... years <07093 06256 08141> [after certain years. Heb. at the end of times, even years.]

Daniel 12:7


raised <07311> [he held.]

lives <02416> [liveth.]

time times ..... time <04150> [that it.]

time times ..... time <04150> [a time.]

That is, 1,260 years, to be reckoned from the time the "saints were delivered into the hand" of "the little horn."

half <02677> [an half. or, a part. and when.]

holy <06944> [the holy.]

Revelation 12:14


woman <1135> [to the.]

she could fly out <4072> [she might.]

<1563> [for a time.]

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