Deuteronomy 12:2
Context12:2 You must by all means destroy 1 all the places where the nations you are about to dispossess worship their gods – on the high mountains and hills and under every leafy tree. 2
Deuteronomy 12:1
Context12:1 These are the statutes and ordinances you must be careful to obey as long as you live in the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, 3 has given you to possess. 4
Deuteronomy 14:23
Context14:23 In the presence of the Lord your God you must eat from the tithe of your grain, your new wine, 5 your olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the place he chooses to locate his name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.
Deuteronomy 14:2
Context14:2 For you are a people holy 6 to the Lord your God. He 7 has chosen you to be his people, prized 8 above all others on the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 16:3-4
Context16:3 You must not eat any yeast with it; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast, symbolic of affliction, for you came out of Egypt hurriedly. You must do this so you will remember for the rest of your life the day you came out of the land of Egypt. 16:4 There must not be a scrap of yeast within your land 9 for seven days, nor can any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until the next morning. 10
Deuteronomy 17:10
Context17:10 You must then do as they have determined at that place the Lord chooses. Be careful to do just as you are taught.
Jeremiah 2:20
Context2:20 “Indeed, 11 long ago you threw off my authority
and refused to be subject to me. 12
You said, ‘I will not serve you.’ 13
Instead, you gave yourself to other gods on every high hill
and under every green tree,
like a prostitute sprawls out before her lovers. 14
Jeremiah 3:6
Context3:6 When Josiah was king of Judah, the Lord said to me, “Jeremiah, you have no doubt seen what wayward Israel has done. 15 You have seen how she went up to every high hill and under every green tree to give herself like a prostitute to other gods. 16
Jeremiah 3:13
Context3:13 However, you must confess that you have done wrong, 17
and that you have rebelled against the Lord your God.
You must confess 18 that you have given yourself to 19 foreign gods under every green tree,
and have not obeyed my commands,’ says the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:2
Context17:2 Their children are always thinking about 20 their 21 altars
and their sacred poles dedicated to the goddess Asherah, 22
set up beside the green trees on the high hills
Ezekiel 6:13
Context6:13 Then you will know that I am the Lord – when their dead lie among their idols around their altars, on every high hill and all the mountaintops, under every green tree and every leafy oak, 23 the places where they have offered fragrant incense to all their idols.

[12:2] 1 tn Heb “destroying you must destroy”; KJV “Ye shall utterly (surely ASV) destroy”; NRSV “must demolish completely.” The Hebrew infinitive absolute precedes the verb for emphasis, which is reflected in the translation by the words “by all means.”
[12:2] 2 sn Every leafy tree. This expression refers to evergreens which, because they keep their foliage throughout the year, provided apt symbolism for nature cults such as those practiced in Canaan. The deity particularly in view is Asherah, wife of the great god El, who was considered the goddess of fertility and whose worship frequently took place at shrines near or among clusters (groves) of such trees (see also Deut 7:5). See J. Hadley, NIDOTTE 1:569-70; J. DeMoor, TDOT 1:438-44.
[12:1] 4 tn Heb “you must be careful to obey in the land the
[14:23] 5 tn This refers to wine in the early stages of fermentation. In its later stages it becomes wine (יַיִן, yayin) in its mature sense.
[14:2] 8 tn Heb “The
[14:2] 9 tn Or “treasured.” The Hebrew term סְגֻלָּה (sÿgullah) describes Israel as God’s choice people, those whom he elected and who are most precious to him (cf. Exod 19:4-6; Deut 14:2; 26:18; 1 Chr 29:3; Ps 135:4; Eccl 2:8 Mal 3:17). See E. Carpenter, NIDOTTE 3:224.
[16:4] 9 tn Heb “leaven must not be seen among you in all your border.”
[16:4] 10 tn Heb “remain all night until the morning” (so KJV, ASV). This has been simplified in the translation for stylistic reasons.
[2:20] 11 tn Or “For.” The Hebrew particle (כִּי, ki) here introduces the evidence that they had no respect for him.
[2:20] 12 tn Heb “you broke your yoke…tore off your yoke ropes.” The metaphor is that of a recalcitrant ox or heifer which has broken free from its master.
[2:20] 13 tc The MT of this verse has two examples of the old second feminine singular perfect, שָׁבַרְתִּי (shavarti) and נִתַּקְתִּי (nittaqti), which the Masoretes mistook for first singulars leading to the proposal to read אֶעֱבוֹר (’e’evor, “I will not transgress”) for אֶעֱבֹד (’e’evod, “I will not serve”). The latter understanding of the forms is accepted in KJV but rejected by almost all modern English versions as being less appropriate to the context than the reading accepted in the translation given here.
[2:20] 14 tn Heb “you sprawled as a prostitute on….” The translation reflects the meaning of the metaphor.
[3:6] 13 tn “Have you seen…” The question is rhetorical and expects a positive answer.
[3:6] 14 tn Heb “she played the prostitute there.” This is a metaphor for Israel’s worship; she gave herself to the worship of other gods like a prostitute gives herself to her lovers. There seems no clear way to completely spell out the metaphor in the translation.
[3:13] 15 tn Heb “Only acknowledge your iniquity.”
[3:13] 16 tn The words “You must confess” are repeated to convey the connection. The Hebrew text has an introductory “that” in front of the second line and a coordinative “and” in front of the next two lines.
[3:13] 17 tc MT reads דְּרָכַיִךְ (dÿrakhayikh, “your ways”), but the BHS editors suggest דּוֹדַיִךְ (dodayikh, “your breasts”) as an example of orthographic confusion. While the proposal makes sense, it remains a conjectural emendation since it is not supported by any actual manuscripts or ancient versions.
[17:2] 17 tn It is difficult to convey in good English style the connection between this verse and the preceding. The text does not have a finite verb but a temporal preposition with an infinitive: Heb “while their children remember their altars…” It is also difficult to translate the verb “literally.” (i.e., what does “remember” their altars mean?). Hence it has been rendered “always think about.” Another possibility would be “have their altars…on their minds.”
[17:2] 18 tc This reading follows many Hebrew
[17:2] 19 sn Sacred poles dedicated to…Asherah. A leading deity of the Canaanite pantheon was Asherah, wife/sister of El and goddess of fertility. She was commonly worshiped at shrines in or near groves of evergreen trees, or, failing that, at places marked by wooden poles (Hebrew אֲשֵׁרִים [’asherim], plural). They were to be burned or cut down (Deut 7:5; 12:3; 16:21; Judg 6:25, 28, 30; 2 Kgs 18:4).
[6:13] 19 sn By referring to every high hill…all the mountaintops…under every green tree and every leafy oak Ezekiel may be expanding on the phraseology of Deut 12:2 (see 1 Kgs 14:23; 2 Kgs 16:4; 17:10; Jer 2:20; 3:6, 13; 2 Chr 28:4).