NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Deuteronomy 28:29


feel ... way along ....................... constantly .... continually <04959> [grope.]

oppressed <06231> [thou shalt be.]

Isaiah 6:11


sovereign master <0136> [Lord.]

cities <05892> [Until the.]

ruins ............ ruined ... devastated <07582 08077> [utterly desolate. Heb. desolate with desolation.]

Isaiah 24:3


completely devastated <01238> [shall.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Jeremiah 9:19


sound <06963> [a voice.]

completely <03966> [we are.]

houses <04908> [our.]

Jeremiah 25:9-11


send <07971> [I.]

Nebuchadnezzar <05019> [Nebuchadrezzar.]

land .... inhabitants ..... nations <0776 03427 01471> [against.]

horror <08047> [an astonishment. See on ch.]


put an end .... sounds ........ glad celebration ................ sound <06 06963> [take from. Heb. cause to perish from.]

sounds ... joy ...... glad celebration ................ sound <08342 06963> [voice of mirth.]

sounds ........ glad celebration ................ sound <06963> [the sound.]

Sir J. Chardin remarks, that in the East, every where in the morning may be heard the noise of the mills, which often awakens people; for they generally grind every day just as much as may be necessary for the day's consumption. Where, then, the noise of the mill is not heard in the morning, nor the light of the candle seen in the evening, there must be an utter desolation.


seventy <07657> [seventy.]

This prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and began to be accomplished immediately; and it was exactly seventy years from this time to the proclamation of Cyrus for the return of the Jews.

Zephaniah 1:2


<0622> [I will, etc. Heb. By taking away I will make an end. utterly.]

face <06440> [land. Heb. face of the land.]

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