Deuteronomy 28:1-44
indeed obey <08085> [If thou shalt.]
observe .... commandments <06213 04687> [to do all.]
<05414> [will set.]
come ..... abundance <0935 05381> [come on thee.]
city <05892> [in the city.]
field <07704> [in the field.]
basket <02935> [thy basket.]
By basket, may be understood the olive-gathering and vintage, in which it was employed; and by the store or remainder, all laid up for future use, or prepared for present consumption.
mixing bowl <04863> [store. or, dough, or kneading troughs.]
<05414> [shall cause.]
before ........... flee ....... directions <06440 05127> [flee before.]
decree <06680> [command.]
barns <0618> [storehouses. or, barns.]
do <04916> [settest.]
designate <06965> [establish.]
promised <07650> [sworn.]
peoples <05971> [And all.]
Lord <07121> [called.]
respect <03372> [and they shall.]
The .... greatly <03498> [plenteous.]
multiply <02896> [in goods. or, for good. body. Heb. belly.]
open <06605> [open.]
bless .... do <01288 04639> [to bless all.]
lend ......... borrow <03867> [lend.]
head <07218> [the head.]
obey <08085> [if that thou.]
turn <05493> [thou shalt.]
right <03225> [the right.]
ignore <08085> [if thou wilt.]
curses <07045> [all these curses.]
The same variety of expression is used in these terrible curses, as in the preceding blessings, to intimate every kind of prosperity or adversity, personal, relative, and public. Consulting the marginal references will generally lead to the best exposition of the terms employed; and will frequently point out the fulfilment of the promises and threatenings.
city <05892> [in the city.]
field <07704> [in the field.]
children ......... produce <0990 06529> [the fruit of thy body.]
soil <0127> [thy land.]
send <07971> [send.]
confusing <04103> [vexation.]
<06213> [for to do. Heb. which thou wouldest do. until thou be.]
weakness <07829> [a consumption.]
sword <02719> [sword. or, drought. blasting.]
The language here is remarkable: "Thy heaven;" that part of the atmosphere which was over Judea, instead of being replenished with aqueous vapours, should become, with respect to moisture, like brass: and consequently their land would become as hard as iron, and wholly incapable of cultivation; while the clouds might give showers in abundance, and the earth be moist and fruitful in other regions.
will make ... rain <04306 05414> [make the rain.]
This was a natural consequence of their heaven's being brass, or yielding no rain; for the surface of the earth being reduced to powder, and frequently taken up by strong winds, would fall down in showers instead of rain. These showers of sand frequently, in the East, bury whole caravans.
allow ..... struck <05414 05062> [cause thee.]
terror <02189> [removed. Heb. for a removing.]
boils <07822> [the botch.]
<02914> [emerods.]
eczema <01618> [scab.]
feel ... way along ....................... constantly .... continually <04959> [grope.]
oppressed <06231> [thou shalt be.]
engaged <0781> [betroth.]
build <01129> [build.]
begin <02490> [gather. Heb. profane, or, use it as common meat.]
ox <07794> [ox.]
returned ..... flock <07725 06629> [be restored to thee. Heb. return to thee.]
sons <01121> [sons.]
In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be educated in the Popish faith.
vain <03616> [fail.]
produce <06529> [The fruit.]
oppressed <06231> [thou shalt be.]
boils <07822> [botch.]
king <03212 04428> [bring thee.]
serve <05647> [there shalt thou.]
The Israelites, who were carried captive by the Assyrians, and many of the Jews in Chaldea, were finally incorporated with the nations among whom they lived, and were given up to their idolatry. It is probable, however, that this refers to Jews being compelled, in Popish countries, to conceal their religion, and profess that of the Romish church.
occasion of horror <08047> [become.]
proverb <04912> [a proverb.]
The name of Jew has long been a proverbial mark of detestation and contempt among all the nations whither they have been dispersed, and is so to this day, whether among Christians, Mohmammedans, or Pagans.
take <03318> [shalt carry.]
locusts <0697> [for the locust.]
worms <08438> [for the worms.]
anoint ..... oil <05480 08081> [anoint thyself.]
<03212> [thou shalt not enjoy them. Heb. they shall not be thine. for.]
tree <06086> [thy trees.]
<03423> [consume. or, possess.]