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Deuteronomy 4:43-49


Bezer <01221> [Bezer.]

Bezer is the same as Bozra, formerly a royal city of Edom. \\See Note on "Ge 36:33"\\.

Ramoth <07216> [Ramoth.]

Ramoth was a celebrated city in the mountains of Gilead, placed by Eusebius fifteen miles east from Philadelphia or Ammon, and by Jerome in the neighbourhood of Jabbok, and consequently north of Philadelphia.

Golan <01474> [Golan.]

This city gave name to the district of Gaulonitis, now called Djolan, which comprises the plain to south of Djedour or Iturea, and to the west of Haouran: its southern frontier is the Nahar Aweired, by which it is separated from the district of Erbad, and the Sheriat el Mandhour, which separates it from the district of El Kefarat: on the west it is limited by the territory of Feik, and on the north-west by Djebel Heish, or mount Hermon.


This is evidently an introduction to the discourse of the subsequent chapters. Moses having practically improved some particulars in the history of Israel, proceeded to repeat and enforce the laws which he had delivered before, with additions and explanations, beginning with the ten commandments.


stipulations <05713> [These.]

statutes <02706> [statutes.]

ordinances <04941> [judgments.]


Transjordan <05676> [On this side.]

opposite <04136> [over.]

Beth Peor <01047> [Beth-peor.]

Beth-peor was a city which was situated, according to Eusebius, opposite Jericho, and six miles above Livias. As the name signifies "the house of Peor," it is probable that there was a temple to Peor, situated in this place, full in view of the people, while Moses was pressing upon them the worship of Jehovah alone; and perhaps the very temple where so many had sinned to their own destruction.

Moses <04872> [Moses.]



Aroer <06177> [Aroer.]

Mount <02022> [even unto.]

The Samaritan interpreter has, "unto the mountain of snow, which is Hermon." See Note on ch. 3:9.

Siyon <07865> [Sion.]


watershed <0794> [under the springs.]

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