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Kidung Jemaat
Deuteronomy 5:1-31
Suci, Suci, Suci [KJ.2]
Holy, Holy, Holy
1. Suci, suci, suci Tuhan Maha kuasa! Dikau kami puji di pagi yang teduh. Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa, Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!
Yes 6:2-3 Mzm 5:4
2. Suci, suci, suci! Kaum kudus tersungkur di depan takhtaMu memb'ri mahkotanya Segenap malaikat sujud menyembahMu, Tuhan, Yang Ada s'lama-lamanya.
Why 4:6-11
3. Suci, suci, suci! Walau tersembunyi, walau yang berdosa tak nampak wajahMu, Kau tetap Yang Suci, tiada terimbangi, Kau Mahakuasa, murni kasihMu
Ul 5:23-24 Mzm 18:12 1 Tim 6:16
4. Suci, suci, suci! Tuhan Mahakuasa! Patut Kau dipuji seluruh karyaMu. Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa, Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!
Mzm 69:35 Mzm 103:22 Mzm 145:10
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Deuteronomy 5:1-31
[Deu 5:7] Father, Lead Thy Little Children
Father, lead Thy little children Very early to Thy throne; We will have no gods before Thee; Thou art God, and Thou alone. Refrain Lead, O lead Thy little children Very early to Thy throne; We will have no gods before Thee; Thou art God, and Thou alone. In the Bible Thou hast taught us All our thoughts to Thee are known; Thou canst see us in the darkness; Thou art God, and Thou alone. Refrain Though the heathen bow to idols, They have made of wood and stone, We have Christian friends to tell us Thou art God, and Thou alone. Refrain Thou dost give us all our comforts, Everything we call our own Comes from Thee, our heav’nly Father; Thou art God, and Thou alone. Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |