Kidung Jemaat
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Deuteronomy 33:1-29
[Deu 33:25] Afflicted Saint, To Christ Draw Near
Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near—
Thy Savior’s gracious promise hear,
His faithful Word declares to thee,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.Let not thy heart despond and say
“How shall I stand the trying day?”
He has engaged by firm decree,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.Thy faith is weak, thy foes are strong,
And if the conflict should be long,
The Lord will make the tempter flee,
For as thy days thy strength shall be.Should persecution rage and flame,
Still trust in thy Redeemer’s Name;
In fiery trials thou shalt see,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.When called to bear thy weighty cross,
Or sore affliction, pain, or loss,
Or deep distress or poverty,
Still as thy days thy strength shall be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:25] Come Close To The Savior
Come close to the Savior, thy loving Redeemer,
O sorrowing heart oppressed (sorely oppressed);
Life’s journey is dreary, thy spirit is weary;
O come unto Him and rest.
Come close to the Savior, O why dost thou linger?
He knoweth thy heart oppressed (sorely oppressed).
His promise believing, His message receiving,
O come unto Him and rest.Refrain
Peacefully, tranquilly, tenderly rest,
Folding thy wings like a dove,
Peacefully, tranquilly, tenderly rest,
Safe in the arms of His love.Come close to the Savior, He calleth thee gently,
Draw near to thy Father’s throne (thy Father’s throne);
His eyes will behold thee, His mercy enfold thee,
Why carry thy grief alone?
Come close to the Savior, O trust and remember,
Thro’ trials our souls are blest (richly are blest).
Whatever betide thee, thy Refuge will hide thee,
O come unto Him and rest.Refrain
Come close to the Savior, earth’s pleasures are fleeting,
But Jesus will care for thee (He’ll care for thee);
Whatever may grieve thee, He never will leave thee,
Thy strength as thy day shall be.
Come close to the Savior, O come as a birdling
Flies back to its parent nest (flies to its nest).
Where peace like a river, flows onward forever,
O come unto Him and rest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:25] Day By Day
Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He Whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best—
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.Every day, the Lord Himself is near me
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
He Whose Name is Counselor and Power;
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
“As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,”
This the pledge to me He made.Help me then in every tribulation
So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation
Offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
E’er to take, as from a father’s hand,
One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
Till I reach the promised land.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:25] Just For Today (rexford)
My Father, this I ask of Thee;
Knowing that Thou wilt grant the plea—
For this, and only this, I pray
Strength for today—just for today.Refrain
Strength for each trial and each task,
What more, my Father, should I ask?
Just as I need it, day by day,
Strength for my weakness—this I pray.I do not ask a lifted load,
Nor for a smooth and thornless road;
Simply for strength enough to bear
Life’s daily burdens anywhere.Refrain
Strength for the present hour and need—
This given, then I’m blest indeed;
For each day, as it comes, will bring
Sufficient strength for anything.Refrain
Strength for today, that I may make
Some sad souls glad, for Jesus’ sake;
Then they, with me, at eve shall say,
“Thank God for strength He gave today.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:25] Trusting In Thee
Jesus, my Shepherd and Savior divine,
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee;
O what a foretaste of glory is mine
While I am trusting in Thee!Refrain
Trusting, trusting,
Jesus my Savior, in Thee (in Thee);
O what a foretaste of glory is mine,
While I am trusting in Thee!What tho’ around me the billows may roll?
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee;
Firm on the Rock I have anchored my soul;
Lord, I am trusting in Thee!Refrain
What if the shadows encompass my way?
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee;
Lord, Thou hast promised Thy strength as my day,
While I am trusting in Thee.Refrain
Jesus, my Shepherd, Redeemer and Friend,
Trusting in Thee, trusting in Thee;
Thou wilt deliver and Thou wilt defend,
While I am trusting in Thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:25] Wait, My Soul, Upon The Lord
Wait, my soul, upon the Lord,
To His gracious promise flee,
Laying hold upon His Word,
“As Thy days thy strength shall be.”If the sorrows of thy case
Seem peculiar still to thee,
God has promised needful grace:
“As Thy days thy strength shall be.”Days of trial, days of grief,
In succession thou mayst see;
This is still thy sweet relief:
“As Thy days thy strength shall be.”Rock of Ages, I'm secure,
With Thy promise, full and free,
Faithful, positive, and sure,
“As Thy days thy strength shall be.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] Eternal God, We Look To Thee
Eternal God, we look to Thee,
To Thee for help we fly;
Thine eye alone our wants can see,
Thy hand alone supply.Lord, let Thy fear within us dwell,
Thy love our footsteps guide;
That love will all vain love expel;
That fear, all fear betide.Not what we wish, but what we want,
O let Thy grace supply;
The good, unmasked, in mercy grant;
The ill, though asked, deny.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] Held In His Mighty Arms
Safe is my refuge, sweet is my rest,
Ill cannot harm me, nor foes e’er molest;
Jesus my spirit so tenderly calms,
Holding me close in His mighty arms.Refrain
Oh! what wonderful, wonderful rest!
Trusting completely in Jesus I’m blest;
Sweetly He comforts and shields from alarms,
Holding me safe in His mighty arms.Pressing my tear stained cheek to His own,
Hushing my grief with His sweet gentle tone;
Touching my heart with His healing balms,
Holding me still in His mighty arms.Refrain
Tempests may rage, sin’s surges may beat,
Ne’er can they reach my sheltered retreat;
Free from all danger, from dread alarms,
Resting so safe in His mighty arms.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] I’ve Found A Refuge
I’ve found a refuge from life’s cares in Jesus,
I am hiding in His love divine;
He fully understands my soul’s deep longing,
And He whispers softly, “Thou art Mine.”Refrain
Only Jesus! Only Jesus!
Only He can satisfy;
Every burden becomes a blessing,
When I know my Lord is nigh.I’ve found a precious joy in knowing Jesus,
Never dreamed of in this world of woe;
No clouds, however dark, can dim the radiance
Of the heav’nly light He doth bestow.Refrain
I’ve found a blessèd hope divine in Jesus,
’Tis a Day Star ever shining bright;
It fills my earthly way with heav’nly glory,
And it turns life’s darkness into light.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] Lean On His Arms
Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
He’ll help you along, help you along,
If you will trust His love unfailing,
He’ll fill your heart with song.Refrain
Lean on His arms, trusting in His love;
Lean on His arms, all His mercies prove;
Lean on His arms, looking home above,
Just lean on the Savior’s arms!Just lean upon the arms of Jesus.
He’ll brighten the way, brighten the way,
Just follow gladly where He leadeth,
His gentle voice obey.Refrain
Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
O bring ev’ry care, bring ev’ry care!
The burden that has seemed so heavy,
Take to the Lord in prayer.Refrain
Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
Then leave all to Him, leave all to Him;
His heart is full of love and mercy,
His eyes are never dim.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.Refrain
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.Refrain
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] My Heart’s Dear Home
When lost among the wild, dark mountains,
Far, far from Thee,
I heard Thy gentle voice, my Savior,
Calling in love to me.Refrain
Safe, within Thy arms of mercy,
Never more to roam;
O, let me rest in peace forever,
Safe in my heart’s dear home.When lost among the wild, dark mountains,
Sad was my cry,
Till softly came the words so tender,
“Fear not, for here am I.”Refrain
O teach me to adore and praise Thee,
Savior divine;
Now I have made a full surrender,
All that I am is Thine.Refrain
Wherever Thou wilt lead, I’ll follow
Close, close to Thee;
One prayer alone my soul is breathing:
Savior, abide with me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] Rise, Ye Children Of Salvation
Rise, ye children of salvation,
All who cleave to Christ the Head;
Wake, awake, O mighty nation,
Ere the foe on Zion tread;
He draws nigh, and would defy
All the hosts of God most high.Saints and martyrs long before us
Firmly on this ground have stood;
See their banner waving o’er us,
Conquerors through the Savior’s blood.
Ground we hold, whereon of old,
Fought the faithful and the bold.Fighting, we shall be victorious
By the blood of Christ our Lord;
On our foreheads, bright and glorious,
Shines the witness of His Word;
Spear and shield on battlefield,
His great Name; we cannot yield.When His servants stand before Him
Each receiving his reward,
When His saints in light adore Him,
Giving glory to the Lord;
“Victory!” our song shall be
Like the thunder of the sea.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Deu 33:27] We Come Unto Our Fathers’ God
We come unto our fathers’ God,
Their Rock is our Salvation;
Th’eternal arms, their dear abode,
We make our habitation.
We bring Thee, Lord, the praise they brought,
We seek Thee as Thy saints have sought
In every generation.The fire divine their steps that led
Still goeth bright before us;
The heavenly shield around them spread
Is still high holden o’er us;
The grace those sinners that subdued,
The strength those weaklings that renewed,
Doth vanquish, doth restore us.The cleaving sins that brought them low
Are still our souls oppressing.
The tears that from their eyes did flow
Fall fast, our shame confessing;
As with Thee, Lord, prevailed their cry,
So our strong prayer ascends on high
And bringeth down Thy blessing.Their joy unto their Lord we bring,
Their song to us descendeth;
The Spirit Who in them did sing
To us His music lendeth;
His song in them, in us, is one;
We raise it high, we send it on—
The song that never endeth.Ye saints to come, take up the strain,
The same sweet theme endeavor;
Unbroken be the golden chain!
Keep on the song forever!
Safe in the same dear dwelling place,
Rich with the same eternal grace,
Bless the same boundless Giver.Play source: Cyberhymnal