Kidung Jemaat
Luke 23:40-43
Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
1. Kita, anak Adam, insan bercela, lahir dalam dosa dan akibatnya,
kita kehilangan bahagia firdaus dan menjadi takluk pada kuasa maut.
Mzm 51:4-7
Kej 3:23-24
Rm 5:12, 17
2. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
3. Walau berusaha sampai berlelah, tidaklah menolong kita yang lemah,
hanya Tuhan Allah yang Mahakurnia, yang dalam kasihNya mengutus PutraNya.
Ef 2:8-9
4. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!5. Andaikata Kristus tidak menjelma dalam rupa hamba, masuk dunia,
jika bukan Dia menjadi Penebus, maka kita insan binasalah terus.
Flp 2:6-8
6. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
7. Sungguh, kasih Allah sangatlah besar, nyata bagi kita yang t'lah mendengar
bahwa PuteraNya di salib Golgota menghapuskan dosa seluruh dunia.
Yoh 3:16
8. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
9. KepadaMu, Kristus, puji s'lamanya: kau telah disalib bagi dunia,
Kau kekal bertakhta bersama BapaMu; t'rima kami ini di KerajaanMu!
Why 5:12
Mrk 16:19
Luk 23:42
10. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!Play Saat Sedih [KJ.186]
1. Saat sedih, tak terperi; air mata bercucuran:
Putra tunggal BapaNya kini dikuburkan.
Mrk 15:42-47
2. Terbaringlah di kuburNya Yang mati pada salib,
agar kurnia firdaus diberi kembali.
3. Manusia, dosamulah yang menyebabkan ini:
semestinya kamulah yang rebah disini
4. O, lihatlah di wajahNya bekas keluh nestapa;
patut isi dunia insaf dan meratap.
5. Bahagialah manusia yang sadar merenungkan
bahwa Raja mulia rela dikuburkan.
6. Ya Yesusku, Harapanku, hapuslah air mataku
dan di KerajaanMu ingat akan daku!
Why 7:17
Luk 23:42
Play Tercurah Darah Tuhanku [KJ.35] ( There is a Fountain Filled with Blood )
1. Tercurah darah Tuhanku di bukit Golgota;
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya,
terhapus dosanya, terhapus dosanya
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya.
Za 13:1
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Penyamun yang di sisiNya di b'ri anugerah;
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya,
dibasuh darahNya, dibasuh darahNya,
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya.
Luk 23:40-43
3. Ya Anakdomba, darahMu tak hilang kuasanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya,
dan suci s'lamanya, dan suci s'lamanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya.
4. Sejak kupandang salibMu dengan iman teguh,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku,
seumur hidupku, seumur hidupku,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku.
5. Dan jika nanti lidahku tak lagi bergerak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak,
di sorgaMu kelak, di sorgaMu kelak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak.Play Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28] ( Lord Jesus, Think on Me / Mnooeo Khriste )
1. Ya Yesus, tolonglah, hapuskan dosaku
dan dari nafsu dunia lepaskan hambaMu.
Tit 2:12
Tit 3:3-5
2. Ya Yesus, dengarlah seruan hatiku,
lengkapi aku yang lemah sebagai laskarMu.
Ef 6:11
3. Ya Yesus, yang menang, sertai hambaMu
b'ri di sengsara dan perang percaya yang teguh.
4. Ya Yesus, pimpinlah, tetaplah Kau dekat,
supaya ke neg'ri baka jalanku tak sesat.
Mzm 73:23
5. Ya Yesus, lihatlah serangan seteru,
lumpuhkanlah senjataNya dengan kuasaMu.
1 Ptr 5:8
6. Ya Yesus Penebus, berilah akhirnya
kesukaanMu yang kudus di negeri baka.Luk 23:42-43
Luke 23:40-43
[Luk 23:42] Jesus, Thou Art The Sinner’s Friend
Jesus, Thou art the sinner’s Friend;
As such I look to Thee;
Now, in the fullness of Thy love,
O Lord, remember me.Remember Thy pure Word of grace,
Remember Calvary’s tree,
Remember all Thy dying groans,
And then remember me.Thou wondrous Advocate with God,
I yield my soul to Thee;
While Thou art pleading on the throne,
Dear Lord, remember me.Lord, I am guilty, I am vile,
But Thy salvation’s free;
Then, in Thine all abounding grace,
Dear Lord, remember me.Howe’er forsaken or despised,
Howe’er oppressed I be,
Howe’er forgotten here on earth,
Do Thou remember me.And when I close my eyes in death,
And human help shall flee,
Then, then, my dear redeeming God,
O then remember me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:42] Lord, When Thy Kingdom Comes
“Lord, when Thy kingdom comes, remember me”;
Thus spake the dying lips to dying ears;
O faith, which in that darkest hour could see
The promised glory of the far off years!No kingly sign declares that glory now,
No ray of hope lights up that awful hour;
A thorny crown surrounds the bleeding brow,
The hands are stretched in weakness, not in power.Yet hear the word the dying Savior saith,
“Thou too shalt rest in Paradise today”;
O words of love to answer words of faith!
O words of hope for those who live to pray!Lord, when with dying lips my prayer is said,
Grant that in faith Thy kingdom I may see;
And, thinking on Thy cross and bleeding head,
May breathe my parting words, “Remember me.”Remember me, but not my shame or sin;
Thy cleansing blood hath washed them all away;
Thy precious death for me did pardon win;
Thy blood redeemed me in that awful day.Remember me, yet how canst Thou forget
What pain and anguish I have caused to Thee,
The cross, the agony, the bloody sweat,
And all the sorrow Thou didst bear for me?Remember me, and, ere I pass away,
Speak Thou th’assuring word that sets us free,
And make Thy promise to my heart, “Today
Thou too shalt rest in Paradise with Me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow, The
The dying robber raised his aching brow
To claim the dying Lord for company;
And heard, in answer to his trembling bow,
The promise of the King: Thou—even thou—
Today shalt be in Paradise with me.We, too, the measure of our guilt confess,
Knowing Thy mercy, Lord, our only plea;
That we, like him, through judgment and distress,
For all the weight of our unworthiness
May win our way to Paradise with Thee.But so bewildered is our failing heart,
So dim the luster of Thy royalty,
We hardly know Thee, Lord, for what Thou art,
Till we begin to take the better part
And lose ourselves in Paradise with Thee.Then lift our eyes, dear Lord, from this poor dross,
To see Thee reigning in humility,
The King of love; that, wresting gain from loss,
We, too, may climb the ladder of the cross,
To find our home in Paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Father Of Spirits, Whose Divine Control
Father of spirits, whose divine control
Doth bind the soul and body into one;
Thou wilt restore this body now undone;
For once it was the mansion of a soul,
Where dwelt the glowing wisdom of Thy Son.Thou, Maker of the body, dost ordain
That this Thine image, molded by Thy will,
Our every hope in glory shall fulfill;
So, till the body Thou dost build again,
Thou wilt preserve the spirit freed from ill.In that blest region shall this spirit dwell
Where flowers undying bloom on every side:
For lo, we trust Thy Word, O Crucified,
When in Thy triumph over death and hell,
The thief forgiven took Thee for his Guide.Our brother goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless him in his fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid his body to arise.Our sister goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless her in her fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid her body to arise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Hand That Was Nailed To The Cross, The
The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe,
In love reaches out to the world below;
’Tis beckoning now to the souls that roam,
And pointing the way to the heav’nly home.Refrain
The hand of my Savior I see,
The hand that was wounded for me;
’Twill lead me in love to the mansions above,
The hand that was wounded for me!E’en now I can see, through a mist of tears,
That hand still outstretched o’er the gulf of years,
With healing and hope for my sin sick soul,
One touch of its finger will make me whole!Refrain
The hand that wrought wonders in days of old,
Holds treasure more precious than gems or gold,
The price of redemption from sin and shame,
The gift of salvation through Jesus’ Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] It Is Finished! Blessed Jesus
It is finished! Blessèd Jesus,
Thou hast breathed Thy latest sigh,
Teaching us the sons of Adam
How the Son of God can die.Lifeless lies the broken body,
Hidden in its rocky bed,
Laid aside like folded garment:
Where is now the Spirit fled?In the gloomy realms of darkness
Shines a light unknown before,
For the Lord of dead and living
Enters at the open door.See! He comes, a willing Victim,
Unresisting hither led;
Passing from the cross of sorrow
To the mansions of the dead.Lo! the heavenly light around Him
Ad He draws His people near;
All amazed they stand rejoicing
At the gracious words they hear.For Himself proclaims the story
Of His own incarnate life,
And the death He died to save us,
Victor in that awful strife.Patriarch and priest and prophet
Gather round Him as He stands,
In adoring faith and gladness,
Hearing of the piercèd hands.Oh, the bliss to which He calls them,
Ransomed by His precious blood,
From the gloomy realms of darkness
To the paradise of God!There in lowliest joy and wonder
Stands the robber at His side,
Reaping now the blessèd promise
Spoken by the Crucified.Jesus, Lord of dead and living,
Let Thy mercy rest on me;
Grant me, too, when life is finished,
Rest in paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Saints Of God! Their Conflict Past, The
The saints of God! their conflict past,
And life’s long battle won at last,
No more they need the shield or sword,
They cast them down before their Lord:
O happy saints! forever blest,
At Jesus feet’ how safe your rest!The saints of God! their wand’rings done,
No more their weary course they run,
No more they faint, no more they fall,
No foes oppress, no fears appall:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that dear home how sweet your rest!The saints of God! life’s voyage o’er,
Safe landed on that blissful shore,
No stormy tempests now they dread,
No roaring billows lift their head:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that calm haven of your rest!The saints of God their vigil keep,
While yet their mortal bodies sleep,
Till from the dust they too shall rise
And soar triumphant to the skies:
O happy saints! rejoice and sing:
He quickly comes, your Lord and King!O God of saints! to Thee we cry;
O Savior! plead for us on high;
O Holy Ghost! our Guide and Friend,
Grant us Thy grace till life shall end;
That with all the saints our rest may be
In that bright paradise with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 9:4
[Joh 9:4] Abide Not In The Realm Of Dreams
Abide not in the realm of dreams,
O man, however fair it seems;
But with clear eye the present scan,
And hear the call of God and man.Think not in sleep to fold thy hands,
Forgetful of thy Lord’s commands;
From duty’s claims no life is free,
Behold, today hath need of thee.The present hour allots thy task,
For present strength and patience ask;
And trust His love Whose sure supply
Meets all thy need abundantly.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] All Faded Is The Glowing Light
All faded is the glowing light
That once from Heaven shone,
When startled shepherds in the night
The angels came upon.O shine again, ye angel host,
And say that He is near;
Though but a simple few at most
Believe He will appear.Ye heavens, that have been growing dark,
Now also are ye dumb;
When shall the listeners say, “Hark!
They’re singing—He will come”?Lord, come again, O come again,
Come even as Thou wilt;
But not anew to suffer pain,
And strive with human guilt.O come again, Thou mighty King,
Let earth Thy glory see;
And let us hear the angels sing,
“He comes with victory.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] Go, Labor On: Spend, And Be Spent
Go, labor on: spend, and be spent,
Thy joy to do the Father’s will:
It is the way the Master went;
Should not the servant tread it still?Go, labor on! ’tis not for naught
Thine earthly loss is heavenly gain;
Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not;
The Master praises: what are men?Go, labor on! enough, while here,
If He shall praise thee, if He deign
The willing heart to mark and cheer:
No toil for Him shall be in vain.Go, labor on! Your hands are weak,
Your knees are faint, your soul cast down;
Yet falter not; the prize you seek
Is near—a kingdom and a crown.Go, labor on while it is day:
The world’s dark night is hastening on;
Speed, speed thy work, cast sloth away;
It is not thus that souls are won.Men die in darkness at thy side,
Without a hope to cheer the tomb;
Take up the torch and wave it wide,
The torch that lights time’s thickest gloom.Toil on, faint not, keep watch and pray,
Be wise the erring soul to win;
Go forth into the world’s highway,
Compel the wanderer to come in.Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice!
For toil comes rest, for exile home;
Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom’s voice,
The midnight peal, “Behold, I come!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] Handful Of Leaves, A
What! sitting at ease when there’s work to be done!
The best of the day half its circuit has run;
Yon orb to its zenith rides forth in the sky;
What! sitting at ease and the harvest so nigh!Refrain
Oh, look on the fields, that already are white;
The Lord hath commanded to work in the light;
Beware lest, instead of the bright, golden sheaves,
We bring to Him only a handful of leaves.What! sitting at ease, leaving others the toil
Of training the vineyard and tilling the soil;
This truth in our mind let us constantly keep,
From seed what we scatter the fruit we shall reap.Refrain
What! sitting at ease, when a burden of care
Our brother has borne we might help him to bear;
Oh, let us be earnest, and work while we may,
The Master is calling, arise and away.Refrain
No longer at ease we are folding our hands,
But, willing to do what the Savior commands,
We’ll work till the harvest, then gather the sheaves,
And bring to Him more than a handful of leaves.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] Must I Go, And Empty Handed?
“Must I go, and empty handed,”
Thus my dear Redeemer meet?
Not one day of service give Him,
Lay no trophy at His feet?Refrain
“Must I go, and empty handed?”
Must I meet my Savior so?
Not one soul with which to greet Him,
Must I empty handed go?Not at death I shrink or falter,
For my Savior saves me now;
But to meet Him empty handed,
Thought of that now clouds my brow.Refrain
O the years in sinning wasted,
Could I but recall them now,
I would give them to my Savior,
To His will I’d gladly bow.Refrain
O ye saints, arouse, be earnest,
Up and work while yet ’tis day;
Ere the night of death o’ertake thee,
Strive for souls while still you may.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] One More Day’s Work For Jesus
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!
But Heav’n is nearer, and Christ is clearer
Than yesterday, to me.
His love and light fill all my soul tonight.Refrain
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!One more day’s work for Jesus!
How sweet the work has been,
To tell the story, to show the glory,
Where Christ’s flock enters in!
How it did shine in this poor heart of mine.Refrain
One more day’s work for Jesus!
O yes, a weary day;
But Heav’n shines clearer, and rest comes nearer,
At each step of the way;
And Christ in all, before His face I fall.Refrain
O blessèd work for Jesus!
O rest at Jesus’ feet!
There toil seems pleasure, my wants are treasure,
And pain for Him is sweet.
Lord, if I may, I’ll serve another day!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] Sunday School Volunteer Song
We are marching on with shield and banner bright,
We will work for God and battle for the right,
We will praise His Name, rejoicing in His might,
And we’ll work till Jesus calls.
In the Sunday School our army we prepare,
As we rally round our blessèd standard there,
And the Savior’s cross we early learn to bear,
While we work till Jesus comes.Refrain
Then awake, then awake, happy song, happy song,
Shout for joy, shout for joy, as we gladly march along.
We are marching onward, singing as we go,
To the promised land where living waters flow;
Come and join our ranks as pilgrims here below,
Come and work till Jesus calls.We are marching on, our Captain, ever near,
Will protect us still, His gentle voice we hear:
Let the foe advance, we’ll never, never fear,
For we’ll work till Jesus calls.
Then awake, awake, our happy, happy song,
We will shout for joy, and gladly march along;
In the Lord of Hosts let every heart be strong,
While we work till Jesus comes.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] We’ll Work
How much as children we can do,
To show our love for Jesus,
For Him who died our souls to save,
For Him who always sees us.Refrain
We’ll work, we’ll work,
We’ll work with willing hand,
We’ll work until the Master calls us
To the promised land.We’ll be to all both kind and true,
We’ll cheer the sad and lonely,
By telling of the peace they’ll find
In Jesus, and Him only.Refrain
So let us work with loving hands,
With honest, true endeavor,
Until the Maker calls us home,
To dwell with Him forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes
O land of rest, for thee I sigh!
When will the moment come
When I shall lay my armor by
And dwell in peace at home?Refrain
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
And we’ll be gathered home.To Jesus Christ I fled for rest;
He bade me cease to roam,
And lean for comfort on His breast
Till He conduct me home.Refrain
I sought at once my Savior’s side;
No more my steps shall roam.
With Him I’ll brave death’s chilling tide
And reach my heav’nly home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 9:4] Work, For The Night Is Coming
Work, for the night is coming,
Work through the morning hours;
Work while the dew is sparkling,
Work ’mid springing flowers;
Work when the day grows brighter,
Work in the glowing sun;
Work, for the night is coming,
When man’s work is done.Work, for the night is coming,
Work through the sunny noon;
Fill brightest hours with labor,
Rest comes sure and soon.
Give every flying minute,
Something to keep in store;
Work, for the night is coming,
When man works no more.Work, for the night is coming,
Under the sunset skies;
While their bright tints are glowing,
Work, for daylight flies.
Work till the last beam fadeth,
Fadeth to shine no more;
Work, while the night is darkening,
When man’s work is o’er.Play source: Cyberhymnal