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Ecclesiastes 1:2

of vanities
<0559> (8804)
the Preacher
of vanities
all [is] vanity

Ecclesiastes 1:14

I have seen
<07200> (8804)
all the works
that are done
<06213> (8738)
under the sun
and, behold, all [is] vanity
and vexation
of spirit

Ecclesiastes 2:17

Therefore I hated
<08130> (8804)
because the work
that is wrought
<06213> (8738)
under the sun
[is] grievous
unto me: for all [is] vanity
and vexation
of spirit

Ecclesiastes 4:4

Again, I considered
<07200> (8804)
all travail
and every right
that for this a man
is envied
of his neighbour
This [is] also vanity
and vexation
of spirit
{every...: Heb. all the rightness of work} {for this...: Heb. this is the envy of a man from his neighbour}

Ecclesiastes 6:12

For who knoweth
<03045> (8802)
what [is] good
for man
in [this] life
the days
of his vain
which he spendeth
<06213> (8799)
as a shadow
for who can tell
<05046> (8686)
a man
what shall be after
him under the sun
{all...: Heb. the number of the days of the life of his vanity}

Ecclesiastes 8:8

[There is] no man
that hath power
over the spirit
to retain
<03607> (8800)
the spirit
neither [hath he] power
in the day
of death
and [there is] no discharge
in [that] war
neither shall wickedness
<04422> (8762)
those that are given
to it. {discharge: or, casting off weapons}

Psalms 62:9

Surely men
<0120> <01121>
of low degree [are] vanity
[and] men
of high degree [are] a lie
to be laid
<05927> (8800)
in the balance
they [are] altogether
[lighter] than vanity
{altogether: or, alike}

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