Ecclesiastes 5:12
Riches Are Meaningless (Ecclesiastes 5:8-20)
Rich man, however, has so much that he stays awake worrying, A
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Related Chapter:
Ecclesiastes 5
Esther 6:1
The Triumph of Mordecai (Esther 6)
Mordecai honoured
Triumph of Mordecai
Feast of Esther
Triumph of Mordecai, The

Job 7:13-14
Suffering Is My Fate (Job 7)
Complaint of Job, The: "What is man that Thou shouldest try him every moment?"
Complaint of Job, The: "What is man that Thou shouldest try him every moment?" *
Job, his wife and his friends: The complaint of Job
Job's evil dreams

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Related Chapter:
Job 7
Psalms 6:6-7
Psalms 6: Cry of Distress (Psalms 6)
Psalm 6
David and his enemies
God is near the afflicted
I will wash my bed throughout each night, with my tears I will water my couch
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Related Chapter:
Psalms 6
Psalms 32:4
Psalms 32: When the Transgressions Are Forgiven (Psalms 32)
Psalm 32
Psalm 32
David's confession and forgiveness
David's joy over forgiveness

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Related Chapter:
Psalms 32
Psalms 77:2-4
Psalms 77: I Thought about the Former Days (Psalms 77)
Psalm 77
Power of the storm, The
David praying in the night *
In the day of my trouble I sought out God with my hands, in the night before him, and I was not deceived
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Related Chapter:
Psalms 77
Daniel 6:18
In the Lion's Den (Daniel 6)
Daniel in the lion's den
In the lion's den
Daniel and the lion
Daniel and the lion