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Ephesians 3:14-21

3:14 toutoucarin kamptwgonata mouprov tonpatera

3:15 exou pasapatria enouranoiv kaiepi ghvonomazetai <3687> (5743)

3:16 inadw katato ploutovthv doxhvautou dunameikrataiwyhnai toupneumatov autoueiv tonesw anyrwpon

3:17 katoikhsaicriston diathv pistewven taivkardiaiv umwn

3:18 enagaph errizwmenoiteyemeliwmenoi exiscushtepasin toivagioiv tito platovkai mhkovkai uqovkai bayov

3:19 gnwnaithn uperballousangnwsewv agaphntou cristouina plhrwyhtepan toplhrwma touyeou

3:20 twde dunamenwpanta poihsaiekperissou wnaitoumeya nooumenthn dunaminthn energoumenhnhmin

3:21 autwh doxaen thekklhsia kaien cristwihsou eivpasav tavgeneav touaiwnov twnaiwnwn amhn

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