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Ephesians 4:11-17

4:11 kaiautov edwkenmen apostolouvtouv deprofhtav touvde euaggelistavtouv depoimenav kaididaskalouv

4:12 provton katartismontwn agiwneiv ergondiakoniav eivoikodomhn touswmatov toucristou

4:13 mecrikatanthswmen panteveiv thnenothta thvpistewv kaithv epignwsewvtou uioutou yeoueiv andrateleion eivmetron hlikiavtou plhrwmatovtou cristou

4:14 inamhketi wmenkludwnizomenoi periferomenoianemw thvdidaskaliav enth kubeiatwn anyrwpwnen panourgiaprov thnmeyodeian thvplanhv

4:15 alhyeuonteven agaphauxhswmen autonta pantaov estinkefalh cristov

4:16 exou panto swmasunarmologoumenon sumbibazomenonpashv afhvthv epicorhgiavkat energeianen metrwenov ekastoumerouv thnauxhsin touswmatov poieitaioikodomhn eautouen agaph

4:17 toutooun legwmarturomai kuriwmhketi umavperipatein kaita eynhperipatei mataiothtitou noovautwn

Ephesians 4:20-32

4:20 umeivde oucoutwv emayetecriston

4:21 eige autonhkousate enautw edidacyhteestin entw ihsou

4:22 apoyesyaikata thnproteran anastrofhnton palaionanyrwpon tonfyeiromenon tavepiyumiav thvapathv

4:23 ananeousyaitw pneumatitou noovumwn

4:24 kaiendusasyai kainonanyrwpon tonkata yeonktisyenta dikaiosunhkai osiothtithv alhyeiav

4:25 dioapoyemenoi qeudovlaleite ekastovmeta touplhsion autouoti esmenmelh

4:26 orgizesyemh amartanetehliov mhepiduetw parorgismwumwn

4:27 mhdedidote twdiabolw

4:28 okleptwn kleptetwde kopiatwcersin toagayon inaech creianeconti <2192> (5723)

4:29 pavlogov saprovek toustomatov umwnmh ekporeuesywei tivagayov provoikodomhn thvcreiav inadw toivakouousin <191> (5723)

4:30 kaimh lupeitepneuma toagion touyeou enw esfragisyhtehmeran apolutrwsewv

4:31 pasapikria kaiyumov kaiorgh kaikraugh kaiblasfhmia aryhtwumwn sunpash kakia

4:32 ginesyeeiv allhlouvcrhstoi eusplagcnoicarizomenoi kaywvkai oyeov encristw ecarisato

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