Esther 6:7-9
And Haman
the king
For the man
whom the king
to honour
{whom the king...: Heb. in whose honour the king delighteth}<03366>_,
Let the royal
which the king
and the horse
that the king
upon, and the crown
upon his head
{Let...: Heb. Let them bring the royal apparel} {which the king...: Heb. wherewith the king clotheth himself}<07218>_:
And let this apparel
and horse
to the hand
of one
of the king's
most noble
the man
[withal] whom the king
to honour
him on horseback
through the street
of the city
to the man
whom the king
to honour
{bring...: Heb. cause him to ride}<03366>_.