Esther 8:12
This ........ certain day <03117 0259> [one day.]
thirteenth <07969> [upon the thirteenth.]
Esther 9:20
Mordecai <04782> [Mordecai.]
That is, as the words imply, the history contained in this book; and not merely the letters afterwards mentioned, as some understand it.
wrote ... matters <03789 01697> [wrote these.]
provinces <04082> [in all the provinces.]
Esther 1:16
Vashti <02060> [Vashti.]
This reasoning was inconsequent and false. Vashti had not generally disobeyed the king, therefore she could be no precedent for the general conduct of the Persian women. She disobeyed only in one particular; and this, to serve a purpose, Memucan draws into a general consequence: and the rest came into the conclusion, being either too intoxicated to be able to discern right from wrong, or too intent on reducing women to a state of vassalage, to neglect the present favourable opportunity.
wrong <05753> [done wrong.]
Esther 1:22
provinces ... each province <04082> [into every province.]
man <0376> [that every man.]
Both the law of God and common sense taught this from the foundation of the world; and this parade of enactment was only to deprive Vashti of her crown.
speaking <01696> [it should, etc. Heb. one should publish it according to the language of his country.]
script .......... language ............... language <03791 03956> [according.]
Esther 2:3
provinces <04082> [in all the provinces.]
gather <06908> [that they may gather.]
This was the usual way in which the harem, or {seraglio,} was furnished; the finest women in the land, whether of high or low birth, were sought out and brought to the harem. They all became the king's concubines; but one was raised as chief wife, or sultana, to the throne; and her issue was especially entitled to inherit.
authority <03027> [the custody. Heb. the hand. Hege.]
[Hegai. the king's chamberlain.]
{Saris hammelech,} "the king's eunuch:" so the LXX., Vulgate, Targum, and Syriac.
cosmetics <08562> [their things.]
Esther 3:8
particular <06340> [scattered abroad.]
laws ................ laws <01881> [their laws.]
King ...................................... king's ......... king ..... haven <07737 04428> [for the king's profit to. Heb. meet, or equal for the king to, etc.]
Esther 9:2
assembled <06950> [gathered.]
seeking <01245> [as sought.]
dread <06343> [the fear.]
Esther 9:12
request <07596> [what is thy petition.]
Esther 3:13
by ... runners <03027 07323> [by posts.]
youth <05288> [both young.]
a ... day <0259 03117> [in one day.]
loot ... plunder <07998> [the spoil.]
Esther 8:5
[and, if I.]
<02896> [I be pleasing.]
<05612> [letters. Heb. device.]
written .... recorded ............. wrote <03789> [which he wrote. or, who wrote.]
Esther 4:11
comes ...................................... come <0935> [shall come.]
Herodotus informs us, that ever since the reign of Deioces, king of Media, for the security of the king's person, it was enacted that no one should be admitted into his presence; but that if any one had business with him, he should transact it through the medium of his ministers.
inner court <02691 06442> [the inner court.]
one law <01881 0259> [one law.]
king ....... king's ..................... king ............... king extends ...................... king <04428 03447> [the king shall.]
gold scepter <02091 08275> [the golden sceptre.]
That the kings of Persia carried a golden sceptre, we have the following proof in Xenophon: [Hoti ou tode to chrysoun skeptron to men basileian diasozon estin, all hoi pistoi philoi skeptron basileusin alethestaton kai asphalestaton.] "It is not (said Cyrus to his son Cambyses) the golden sceptre that saves the kingdom; but faithful friends are the truest and best sceptre of the kingdom."
uninvited ................................... invited <07121> [but I.]