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Exodus 10:9

And Moses
<0559> (8799)_,
We will go
<03212> (8799)
with our young
and with our old
with our sons
and with our daughters
with our flocks
and with our herds
will we go
<03212> (8799)_;
for we [must hold] a feast
unto the LORD

Exodus 10:24-26

And Pharaoh
<07121> (8799)
unto Moses
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
<03212> (8798)
ye, serve
<05647> (8798)
the LORD
only let your flocks
and your herds
be stayed
<03322> (8714)_:
let your little ones
also go
<03212> (8799)
with you.
And Moses
<0559> (8799)_,
Thou must give
<05414> (8799)
also sacrifices
and burnt offerings
that we may sacrifice
<06213> (8804)
unto the LORD
our God
{us: Heb. into our hands}
Our cattle
also shall go
<03212> (8799)
with us; there shall not an hoof
be left behind
<07604> (8735)_;
for thereof must we take
<03947> (8799)
to serve
<05647> (8800)
the LORD
our God
and we know
<03045> (8799)
not with what we must serve
<05647> (8799)
the LORD
until we come
<0935> (8800)

Proverbs 15:8

The sacrifice
of the wicked
[is] an abomination
to the LORD
but the prayer
of the upright
[is] his delight

Proverbs 21:27

The sacrifice
of the wicked
[is] abomination
how much more, [when] he bringeth
<0935> (8686)
it with a wicked mind
{with...: Heb. in wickedness?}

Jeremiah 7:4

<0982> (8799)
ye not in lying
<0559> (8800)_,
The temple
of the LORD
The temple
of the LORD
The temple
of the LORD
[are] these.

Micah 6:6-7

Wherewith shall I come before
<06923> (8762)
the LORD
[and] bow
<03721> (8735)
myself before the high
shall I come before
<06923> (8762)
him with burnt offerings
with calves
of a year
{of a...: Heb. sons of a year?}
Will the LORD
be pleased
<07521> (8799)
with thousands
of rams
[or] with ten thousands
of rivers
of oil
shall I give
<05414> (8799)
my firstborn
[for] my transgression
the fruit
of my body
[for] the sin
of my soul
{body: Heb. belly}

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