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Exodus 11:8


servants .................. people <05650 05971> [And all.]

follow .... after <07272 0310> [follow thee. Heb. is at they feet.]

great anger <0639 02750> [a great anger. Heb. heat of anger.]

Exodus 12:30-32


great cry <01419 06818> [and there was a great cry.]

No people were more remarkable and frantic in their mournings than the Egyptians. When a relative died, every one left the house, and the women, with their hair loose, and their bosoms bare, ran wild about the street. The men also, with their apparel equally disordered, kept them company; all shrieking, howling, and beating themselves. What a scene of horror and distress must now have presented itself, when there was not a family in Egypt where there was not one dead!


summoned <07121> [called.]

Get <06965> [Rise up.]

Israelites <01121> [the children.]


flocks <06629> [your flocks.]

bless <01288> [bless me.]

Exodus 12:1



Exodus 2:1


household <01004> [A.M. 2432. B.C. 1572. of the house.]

Esther 8:17


banquets <04960> [a feast.]

Many ..... peoples <05971 07227> [many of the people.]

fear <06343> [for the fear.]

Job 42:8-10


take <03947> [Therefore.]

From this it appears that Job was considered as a priest, not only to his own family, but also to others. For his children he offered burnt offerings, (ch. 1:5,) and now he is to make the same kind of offerings, accompanied with intercession, in behalf of his three friends. This is a full proof of the innocence and integrity of Job.

seven bulls ... seven <06499 07651> [seven bullocks.]

<03212> [go.]

offer <05927> [offer.]

servant Job ........... servant Job ................................... servant Job <0347 05650> [my servant Job shall.]

<06440> [him. Heb. his face, or person.]

deal <06213> [lest.]


did <06213> [did.]

<06440> [Job. Heb. the face of Job.]


restored <07725> [turned.]

prayed <06419> [when.]

Lord ............... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Job ............. doubled ....... Job <03254 0347 04932> [gave Job twice as much as he had before. Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double.]

Isaiah 49:23


Kings <04428> [kings.]

Cyrus, Darius, Artaxerxes, and other Persian monarchs, as well as Alexander the Great, and his successors, particularly Demetrius, conferred many privileges and immunities on the Jewish people, and were munificent benefactors to their temple. But the prophecy was more remarkably and fully fulfilled in the favour which Constantine the Great, and other Christian princes and princesses from his time to the present day, have shewn to the church of Christ; though it cannot be disputed, that the grand and signal accomplishment of these predictions is yet future.

guardians <0539> [nursing fathers. Heb. nourishers.]

princesses <08282> [queens. Heb. princesses. bow.]

lick <03897> [lick up.]

shame <0954> [for they.]

Isaiah 60:14


children <01121> [sons.]

City <05892> [The city.]

Zechariah 8:20-23


come <0935> [there.]


<03212> [Let.]

go ...... Let's go ...................... go <01980> [speedily. or, continually. Heb. going.]

favor .... Lord ..... Lord <06440 03068 02470> [pray before the Lord. Heb. intreat the face of the Lord.]

<03212> [I will.]



ten <0582 06235> [ten men.]

languages <03956> [out.]

grasp hold .... grab <02388> [take.]

<03212> [We will.]

heard <08085> [we have.]

Acts 16:37-39


had ... beaten <1194> [They have.]

come <2064> [let.]


They were frightened <1161 2532 5399> [and they.]


came <2064> [came.]

and ....... After ... brought ... out <2532 1806> [and brought.]

they asked <2065> [and desired.]

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