Exodus 20:12-17
The Giving of the Law (Exodus 19--31; Deuteronomy 9:7-11)
The Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16)
The Fifth Commandment (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17)
The Sixth Commandment (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18)
The Seventh Commandment (Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19)
The Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20)
The Ninth and Tenth Commandments (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21)
Moses communicates with God on Mount Sinai
Moses receives the Tables of the Law from God
God writing upon the tables of the covenant
Moses receiving the Law *

(122 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Finger of God Writing
Related Names:
Moses ;
Related Chapter:
Exodus 19 ;
Exodus 20 ;
Exodus 21 ;
Exodus 22 ;
Exodus 23 ;
Exodus 24 ;
Exodus 25 ;
Exodus 26 ;
Exodus 27 ;
Exodus 28 ;
Exodus 29 ;
Exodus 30 ;
Exodus 31 ;
Deuteronomy 9
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Fifth commandment - "Honour your father and your mother..."
Honour thy father and mother
Table of the Ten Commandments; Fourth commandment
Honour thy father and thy mother

The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Sixth commandment - "You shall not murder..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Fifth commandment
Cain kills Abel
Cain slays Abel

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Seventh commandment - "You shall not commit adultery..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Sixth commandment
Bathsheba bathing
David and Bathsheba

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Eighth commandment - "You shall not steal..."
Thou shalt not steal
Table of the Ten Commandments; Seventh commandment
Achan steals from God

(9 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Ninth commandment - "You shall not bear false witness..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Eighth commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
To covet your neighbor's wife
Tenth commandment - "You shall not covet..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Ninth commandment
Table of the Ten Commandments; Tenth commandment

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
Deuteronomy 5:16-24
The Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16)
About the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5)
The Fifth Commandment (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17)
The Sixth Commandment (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18)
The Seventh Commandment (Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19)
The Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20)
The Ninth and Tenth Commandments (Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21)
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Fifth commandment - "Honour your father and your mother..."
Honour thy father and mother
Table of the Ten Commandments; Fourth commandment
Honour thy father and thy mother

Moses explains the Law
Final instructions
Lord our God made a covenant, The
Moses explains the Law

(6 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Moses's Farewell Speech
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Sixth commandment - "You shall not murder..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Fifth commandment
Cain kills Abel
Cain slays Abel

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Seventh commandment - "You shall not commit adultery..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Sixth commandment
Bathsheba bathing
David and Bathsheba

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Eighth commandment - "You shall not steal..."
Thou shalt not steal
Table of the Ten Commandments; Seventh commandment
Achan steals from God

(9 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
Ninth commandment - "You shall not bear false witness..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Eighth commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
To covet your neighbor's wife
Tenth commandment - "You shall not covet..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; Ninth commandment
Table of the Ten Commandments; Tenth commandment

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 5
Romans 13:9
Love, for the Day Is Near (Romans 13:8-14)
Temperance lesson
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Romans 13
Galatians 5:14
Justified by Faith, Not by the Law (Romans 1:16--8:39;3:21-31; Galatians 1--6)
Main theme of Galatians, and of Romans 1:16-8:39
Working your way to Heaven
Works without faith
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Law and the Sin
Related Chapter:
Romans 1 ;
Romans 2 ;
Romans 3 ;
Romans 4 ;
Romans 5 ;
Romans 6 ;
Romans 7 ;
Romans 8 ;
Galatians 1 ;
Galatians 2 ;
Galatians 3 ;
Galatians 4 ;
Galatians 5 ;
Galatians 6
James 2:11
Favouritism Forbidden (James 2:1-13)
God chose the poor *
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
James 2