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Exodus 29:27-28


breast <02373> [the breast.]

wave offering <08573> [the wave offering.]

The wave offering and heave offering are thus distinguished by the Jewish writers: the former, called {tenoophah,} from {nooph,} to move, toss, was waved horizontally towards the four cardinal points, to signify that He to whom it was consecrated was the Lord of the whole earth; the latter, called {teroomah,} from room, to be elevated, was lifted perpendicularly upward and downward, in token of its being devoted to the God of heaven.

ram ... consecration <04394 0352> [the ram of the consecration.]

{Ail milluim,} literally, "the ram of filling;" so called, according to some, because at the consecration of the priests, certain pieces of the sacrifice were put into their hands (ver. 24;) on which account their consecration itself is called "filling their hands." (ch. 28:41.) Rabbi Solomon gives a different reason for the ram being so called, from {malai,} to be full, complete; because the sacrifice completed the consecration, and thereupon the priests were fully invested in their office. Accordingly, the LXX. render it by [teleiosis,] consummation.



Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]

contribution ....... contribution .......... contribution <08641> [is an heave.]

<02077> [sacrifice.]

Numbers 15:19-21


The oblation before prescribed seems to have been a general acknowledgment from the people at large; but this was an oblation from every one that reaped a harvest: who was required, previously to tasting it himself, to offer a portion of dough as a heave-offering to the Lord. This is supposed to have been given to the priests in their several cities, and not carried to the tabernacle.


cake <02471> [a cake.]

offering ...... raised offering <08641> [the heave-offering.]


Numbers 18:24-28



offer <07311> [then ye shall.]

tithe ............................ tenth .... tithe <04643> [a tenth part.]


grain <01715> [as though.]

grain <01715> [the corn.]


give <05414> [and ye shall.]

Numbers 31:29


raised <08641> [an heave.]

Numbers 31:41


Eleazar <0499> [Eleazar.]

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