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Exodus 30:13


shekel ..... shekel ...... shekel ... twenty ..... shekel <08255 06242> [a shekel is.]

half shekel ..... shekel ...... shekel ...... half shekel <04276 08255> [an half shekel.]

Numbers 3:47


five shekels .................. shekel ... shekel <02568 08255> [five shekels.]

shekels .................. shekel ... shekel <08255> [the shekel.]

Numbers 18:16


redeemed ..... redeem <06299> [shalt thou redeem.]

Redemption of the firstborn is one of the rites which are still practised among the Jews. According to Leo of Modena, it is performed in the following manner:--When the child is thirty days old, the father sends for one of the descendants of Aaron: several persons being assembled on the occasion, the father brings a cup, containing several pieces of gold and silver coin. The priest then takes the child into his arms, and addressing himself to the mother, he says, "Is this thy son?" Mother. "Yes." Priest. "Hast thou never had another child, male or female, a miscarriage, or untimely birth?" Mother. "No." Priest. "This being the case, this child, as firstborn, belongs to me." Then turning to the father, he says, "If it be thy desire to have this child, thou must redeem it." Father. "I present thee with this gold and silver for this purpose." Priest. "Thou dost wish, therefore, to redeem this child?" Father. "I do wish so to do." The priest then turning himself to the assembly, says, "Very well: this child, as first-born, is mine; as it is written in Bemidbar, (ch. 18:16,) Thou shalt redeem the first-born of a month old for five shekels; but I shall content myself with this in exchange." He then takes two gold crowns, or thereabouts, and returns the child to his parents.

according to your estimation <06187> [according.]

twenty <06242> [which is.]

Ezekiel 45:12


shekel ...... Sixty shekels <08255> [the shekel.]

shekel .... twenty ... Sixty shekels <06242 08255> [twenty shekels.]

That is, 20 + 25 + 15 = 60; for the {maneh} as a weight was equal to sixty shekels, though as a coin it was only equal to fifty, weighing about 2 lb. 6 oz.; and reckoning the shekel at 2s. 6d. being in value 6Å“. 5s.

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