Exodus 26:35-37
table ................. table ........ table <07979> [the table.]
lampstand <04501> [the candlestick.]
hanging <04539> [hanging.]
This may be termed the first vail, as it occupied the door or entrance to the tabernacle; the vail that separated the Holy of Holies is called the second vail, Heb 9:3. Mr. Morier, (Second Journey Through Persia, p. 251,) describing the tent of a chief of the Eelauts, says, "It was composed of a wooden frame of circular laths, which were fixed on the ground, and then covered over with large felts, that were fastened down by a cord, ornamented by tassels of various colours. A curtain, curiously worked by the women, with coarse needle-work of various colours, was suspended over the door. In the king of Persia's tents, magnificent {perdahs,} or hangings of needle-work, are suspended, as well as on the doors of the great mosques in Turkey; and these circumstances combined, will, perhaps, illustrate Ex 26:36."
tent <0168> [the tent.]
blue <08504> [of blue.]
overlay .... gold ....... gold <02091 06823> [overlay them with gold.]