Exodus 30:22-28
choice <07218> [thee principal.]
free-flowing myrrh <04753 01865> [pure myrrh.]
Myrrh is a white gum, issuing from the trunk and larger branches of a thorny tree resembling the acacia, growing in Arabia, Egypt, and Abyssinia. Its taste is extremely bitter; but its smell, though strong, is agreeable; and it entered into the composition of the most costly ointments among the ancients. The epithet {deror,} rendered pure, properly denotes fluid, from the Arabic {darra,} to flow; by which is meant the finest and most excellent kind, called {stacte,} which issues of itself from the bark without incision.
cinnamon <07076> [cinnamon.]
{Kinnamon bosem,} odoriferous or spicy cinnamon, is the bark of the canella, a small tree of the size of a willow growing in the island of Ceylon.
spices ................... sweet-smelling ......... sweet-smelling cane <07070 01314> [sweet calamus.]
{Kenaih bosem,} {calamus aromaticus,} or odoriferous cane, is a reed growing in Egypt, Syria, and India, about two feet in height, bearing from the root a knotted stalk, quite round, containing in its cavity a soft white pith. It is said to scent the air while growing; and when cut down, dried, and powdered, makes an ingredient in the richest perfumes.
cassia <06916> [cassia.]
shekel <08255> [the shekel.]
four quarts <01969> [hin.]
perfumer <07543> [apothecary. or, perfumer.]
sacred ............... sacred <06944> [an holy.]