Ezekiel 1:3
word <01697> [word.]
Ezekiel <03168> [Ezekiel. Heb. Jehezkel. and the.]
Ezekiel 3:12
wind <07307> [spirit.]
sound <06963> [a voice.]
me <01288> [Blessed.]
glory <03519> [glory.]
Ezekiel 3:15
lived ....... sat ......... living <03427> [that dwelt.]
lived ....... sat ......... living <03427> [sat.]
Psalms 137:1
[A.M. cir. 3463. B.C. cir. 541. (Title.)]
The author of this beautiful and affecting elegy is unknown, but the occasion is evident; and it was most probably composed during, or near the close of, the captivity.
rivers <05104> [the rivers.]
[there sat.]
weep <01058> [we wept.]