Ezekiel 13:12-23
Context13:12 When the wall has collapsed, people will ask you, “Where is the whitewash you coated it with?”
13:13 “‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: In my rage I will make a violent wind break out. In my anger there will be a deluge of rain and hailstones in destructive fury. 13:14 I will break down the wall you coated with whitewash and knock it to the ground so that its foundation is exposed. When it falls you will be destroyed beneath it, 1 and you will know that I am the Lord. 13:15 I will vent my rage against the wall, and against those who coated it with whitewash. Then I will say to you, “The wall is no more and those who whitewashed it are no more – 13:16 those prophets of Israel who would prophesy about Jerusalem 2 and would see visions of peace for it, when there was no peace,” declares the sovereign Lord.’
13:17 “As for you, son of man, turn toward 3 the daughters of your people who are prophesying from their imagination. 4 Prophesy against them 13:18 and say ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Woe to those who sew bands 5 on all their wrists 6 and make headbands 7 for heads of every size to entrap people’s lives! 8 Will you entrap my people’s lives, yet preserve your own lives? 13:19 You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and scraps of bread. You have put to death people 9 who should not die and kept alive those who should not live by your lies to my people, who listen to lies!
13:20 “‘Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Take note 10 that I am against your wristbands with which you entrap people’s lives 11 like birds. I will tear them from your arms and will release the people’s lives, which you hunt like birds. 13:21 I will tear off your headbands and rescue my people from your power; 12 they will no longer be prey in your hands. Then you will know that I am the Lord. 13:22 This is because you have disheartened the righteous person with lies (although I have not grieved him), and because you have encouraged the wicked person not to turn from his evil conduct and preserve his life. 13:23 Therefore you will no longer see false visions and practice divination. I will rescue my people from your power, and you 13 will know that I am the Lord.’”

[13:14] 1 tn Or “within it,” referring to the city of Jerusalem.
[13:16] 1 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.
[13:17] 1 tn Heb “set your face against.”
[13:17] 2 tn Heb “from their heart.”
[13:18] 1 sn The wristbands mentioned here probably represented magic bands or charms. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:413.
[13:18] 2 tn Heb “joints of the hands.” This may include the elbow and shoulder joints.
[13:18] 3 tn The Hebrew term occurs in the Bible only here and in v. 21. It has also been understood as a veil or type of head covering. D. I. Block (Ezekiel [NICOT], 1:414) suggests that given the context of magical devices, the expected parallel to the magical arm bands, and the meaning of this Hebrew root (סָפַח [safakh, “to attach” or “join”]), it may refer to headbands or necklaces on which magical amulets were worn.
[13:18] 4 tn Heb “human lives” or “souls” (three times in v. 18 and twice in v. 19).
[13:19] 1 tn Heb “human lives” or “souls.”
[13:20] 1 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.
[13:20] 2 tn Heb “human lives” or “souls.”
[13:21] 1 tn Heb “from your hand(s).” This refers to their power over the people.
[13:23] 1 tn The Hebrew verb is feminine plural, indicating that it is the false prophetesses who are addressed here.