Ezekiel 15:2-4
vine <01612> [What.]
The vine is only noble and useful while producing fruit: for, when cut down, its wood is fit only for fuel. So Israel, having ceased to be fruitful, they are good for nothing, but, like a withered branch of a vine, to be burnt.
De 32:32,33 Ps 80:8-16 So 2:13,15 6:11 7:12 8:11,12 Isa 5:1-7
Jer 2:21 Ho 10:1 Mt 21:33-41 Mr 12:1-9 Lu 20:9-16 Joh 15:1-6 [All]
woody ..... trees ......... wood <06086> [among.]
thrown <05414> [it is cast.]
fire ...... fire <0784> [the fire.]
useful <06743> [Is it meet. Heb. Will it prosper.]