Ezekiel 16:23-34
Woe Woe <0188> [woe.]
built <01129> [thou hast.]
chamber <01354> [eminent place. or, brothel house. and hast.]
head <07218> [at every.]
beauty <03308> [and hast made.]
Egyptians <01121> [with the.]
stretched <05186> [I have.]
cut off <01639> [and have.]
rations <02706> [thine.]
{Chukkach,} "thy portion;" the household provision of a wife--food, clothes, and money.
delivered <05414> [delivered.]
The Jews, under Manasseh, and the succeeding kings of Judah, made the temple itself the scene of their open and abominable idolatries, in addition to all their idol temples! which appears to be meant by "the eminent place," and "highplaces in every street," ver. 24. Allured by the prosperity of the Egyptians, they also connected themselves with them, and joined in their multiplied and abominable idolatries. And when Jehovah punished them by wars and famines, and by the Philistines, whose daughters are represented as ashamed of their enormous idolatries, instead of being amended, they formed alliances with the Assyrians, and worshipped their gods: and they even followed every idol which was worshipped between Canaan and Chaldea.
daughters <01323> [daughters. or, cities.]
ashamed <03637> [which.]
land <0776> [in the land.]
Babylonia <03778> [unto.]
sick <0535> [weak.]
deeds <04639> [the work.]
built ... chamber <01129 01354> [In that thou buildest thine. or, In thy daughters is thine, etc.]
<06213> [makest.]
scoffed <07046> [in that thou scornest.]
receive ...... give <05414> [give.]
receive ...... give <05414> [but thou.]
bribe <07809> [hirest. Heb. bribest.]