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Ezekiel 16:9-16

Then washed
<07364> (8799)
I thee with water
yea, I throughly washed away
<07857> (8799)
thy blood
from thee, and I anointed
<05480> (8799)
thee with oil
{blood: Heb. bloods}
I clothed
<03847> (8686)
thee also with broidered work
and shod
<05274> (8799)
thee with badgers' skin
and I girded
<02280> (8799)
thee about with fine linen
and I covered
<03680> (8762)
thee with silk
I decked
<05710> (8799)
thee also with ornaments
and I put
<05414> (8799)
upon thy hands
and a chain
on thy neck
And I put
<05414> (8799)
a jewel
on thy forehead
and earrings
in thine ears
and a beautiful
upon thine head
{forehead: Heb. nose}
Thus wast thou decked
<05710> (8799)
with gold
and silver
and thy raiment
[was of] fine linen
<08336> (8675) <08336>_,
and silk
and broidered work
thou didst eat
<0398> (8804)
fine flour
and honey
and oil
and thou wast exceeding
<03302> (8799)_,
and thou didst prosper
<06743> (8799)
into a kingdom
And thy renown
went forth
<03318> (8799)
among the heathen
for thy beauty
for it [was] perfect
through my comeliness
which I had put
<07760> (8804)
upon thee, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
But thou didst trust
<0982> (8799)
in thine own beauty
and playedst the harlot
<02181> (8799)
because of thy renown
and pouredst out
<08210> (8799)
thy fornications
on every one that passed by
<05674> (8802)_;
his it was.
And of thy garments
thou didst take
<03947> (8799)_,
and deckedst
<06213> (8799)
thy high places
with divers colours
<02921> (8803)_,
and playedst the harlot
<02181> (8799)
thereupon: [the like things] shall not come
<0935> (8802)_,
neither shall it be [so].

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