Ezekiel 24:11-14
Set ... empty <05975 07386> [set it.]
uncleanness <02932> [that the filthiness.]
The pot was Jerusalem; the flesh, the inhabitants in general: every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder, Zedekiah, his family, and princes; the bones, the soldiers; the fire and water, the calamities they were to suffer; and the setting on of the pot, the commencement of the siege.
tried ... patience <03811> [wearied.]
thick <07227> [her great.]
rot ......... rot <02457> [her scum.]
The pot being polluted with the scum, must be heated, melted, and even burned with fire till purified; that is, Jerusalem shall be entirely levelled with the ground, as nothing short of this will purify it from the relics of its idolatrous abominations.
uncleanness ...................... uncleanness <02932> [thy filthiness.]
cleanse ............ cleansed <02891> [because.]
anger <02534> [till I.]
Lord .................................. sovereign <03068 0136> [the Lord.]
pity <02347> [neither will I spare.]
conduct <01870> [according to thy ways.]