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Ezekiel 29:4


put <05414> [I will put.]

fish ...................... fish <01710> [the fish.]

Ezekiel 39:2


turn ... around <07725> [I will.]

It is probable that none of the invaders will escape: but perhaps the inhabitants of Magog in general are meant. The immense army of Gog, led forth against Israel, will almost empty his land; and the subsequent judgments of God upon those that remain at home, will reduce them to a sixth of the whole.

drag ... along .... lead ... up <08338 05927> [leave but the sixth part of thee. or, strike thee with six plagues; or, draw thee back with a hook of six teeth, as ch.]

38:4. and will cause.

remotest parts .... north <03411 06828> [north parts. Heb. sides of the north.]

Ezekiel 39:2


turn ... around <07725> [I will.]

It is probable that none of the invaders will escape: but perhaps the inhabitants of Magog in general are meant. The immense army of Gog, led forth against Israel, will almost empty his land; and the subsequent judgments of God upon those that remain at home, will reduce them to a sixth of the whole.

drag ... along .... lead ... up <08338 05927> [leave but the sixth part of thee. or, strike thee with six plagues; or, draw thee back with a hook of six teeth, as ch.]

38:4. and will cause.

remotest parts .... north <03411 06828> [north parts. Heb. sides of the north.]

Ezekiel 19:1


sing <05375> [take.]

princes <05387> [the princes.]

Isaiah 37:29


rage <07264> [rage.]

uproar <07600> [tumult.]

I ... put <07760> [will I.]

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