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Ezekiel 46:21


court ........ corners .... court ....... every corner .... court ..... court <02691 04740> [in every corner of the court there was a court. Heb. a court in the corner of a court; and a court in a corner of a court.]

Ezekiel 46:1


<0559> [Thus saith.]

Whether the rules for public worship here laid down were designed to be observed in those things wherein they differed from the law of Moses, in the ministrations of the second temple, is not certain. In the latter history of the Jewish church, the law of Moses only was followed, except in the corruption of following the traditions of the fathers.

gate <08179> [The gate.]

The prophet had before observed that the east gate of the outer court was shut, and was told that it must only be opened for the prince; and now he is informed that the gate of the inner court on the east was also shut, and is to be opened only on the sabbath and new moons, till the evening.

closed <05462> [shall be shut.]

six working <04639 08337> [six working.]

Sabbath <07676> [on the sabbath.]

Ezekiel 7:9


behavior .................... know <01870 03045> [thee. Heb. upon thee. and ye.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Ezekiel 7:2


land <0127> [unto.]

end ... end <07093> [An end.]

Two or three MSS. read {ketz ba, ba hakketz,} "the end cometh, come is the end;" which is supported by all the ancient versions.

Ezekiel 4:9


wheat <02406> [wheat.]

millet <01764> [millet.]

{Dochan,} in Arabic, {dokhn,} the {holcus dochna} of Forskal, is a kind of millet, of considerable use as a food; the cultivation of which is described by Browne.

spelt <03698> [fitches. or, spelt.]

{Kussemim} is doubtless [zea,] or spelt, as Aquila and Symmachus render here; and so LXX. and Theodotion, [olyra.] In times of scarcity it is customary to mix several kinds of coarser grains with the finer, to make it last the longer.

390 <07969> [three.]


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